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International Students: Starting Research

This guide is designed to introduce international students to the resources and services of Austin Community College Libraries.

The Research Cycle

Research Cycle image: 1. Define the need - choose a topic, 2. Plan - select keywords and resources, 3. Find and use information resources, 4. Evaluate resources, 5. Cite your sources

Research Cycle. Regent University, 7/22/11. Used with permission 2/19/15.

Overview of the Research Process

Library Tutorials for the Research Cycle

Your professors may assign a research paper or research for a speech. 

You can view these short (15 - 20 minute) information literacy tutorials to learn, or to refresh, basic research skills. They explain each step of the research cycle: how to find, evaluate, and cite books and periodical articles using the library's catalog and databases.

You do not have to watch the tutorials in a specific order, but we have listed them in a way that will guide you through the library research process.  Go to the All Online Tutorials page and click on the link to open each of the Research Success Tutorials.

1. Brainstorm and Define a Need

2. Plan Your Search Strategy

3. Find Sources for Information You Need

You may need to use different types of sources for your research.  These tutorials cover three types and explain why and how to use them.

4. Evaluate Resources

5. Cite Your Sources

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