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Nutrition Resources: Web Sites

Nutrition Resources and Web Sites for Austin Community College Students

Need Help?

Need help finding information on the Internet and interpreting the results? See our study guide. How can you tell if a web site is trustworthy or not? It's not always easy, but there are things that you can look for that will help you decide.
  • Who is the author? Are they qualified to talk about this subject?
  • How accurate is the information? You may need to compare what you find with another source to answer this question.
  • Who is the audience? This can influence how much detail is included.
  • What point of view is being represented? All sites have a bias, but is it obvious or are they trying to hide something?
  • How up to date is the site? Older information may no longer be accurate.

General Nutrition and Health Information

Before searching the Internet, you may want to check out the sites that we have found to be reliable. Use the down arrow on the tab for this page to lead you to websites that will give you reliable information or click on a link below.

Associations || Health Statistics || Food & Industry Organizations

Government Sites || Dietary Supplements

Finding information about health topics like cancer, obesity, diabetes, nutrition, etc. is easy. Finding reliable information, however, is more difficult. You can avoid a lot of less reliable information that's out there by using this Google custom search engine, which only searches reputable sites like the National Library of Medicine.

It's easy. Just type your search terms in and click the Search button.



Web sites listed here have generally superior nutrition information. Beware when you search the web for nutrition topics. There are many sites trying to sell stuff, including unproven items. Be skeptical.


Photo by Erica Marshall of

News in Context

5 Quick Tips: Putting Health News in Context

Whenever reading or watching a news story on nutrition and health, keep these questions in mind:

1. Is the story simply reporting the results of a single study?

Only very rarely would a single study be influential enough for people to change their behaviors based on the results. So it is important to see how that study fits in with other studies on the topic. Some articles provide this background; other times, you may need to do more digging on your own.

2. How large is the study?

Large studies often provide more reliable results than small studies.

3. Was the study done in animals or humans?

Mice, rats, and monkeys are not people, To best understand how food (or some other factor) affects human health, it must almost always be studied in humans.

4. Did the study look at real disease endpoints, like heart disease or osteoporosis?

Chronic diseases, like heart disease and osteoporosis, often take many decades to develop. To get around waiting that long, researchers will sometimes look at markers for these diseases, like narrowing of the arteries or bone density. These markers, though, don't always develop into the disease.

5. How was diet assessed?

Some methods of dietary assessment are better than others. Good studies will have evidence that the methods have validity.


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