Library Services content – like all online content – has increased exponentially in the last two decades. But although vendors supply content, this information still needs organization and – even more so than print/paper – needs people to assist users in navigating online education. Online usage is tracked very closely in general but also specifically tied to classroom offerings, marketing, semester timelines, etc. and data gathered contribute to:
budget expenditures
strategic planning
faculty and staff training and education including orientation, continuing education and professional development
acquisitions of online and print/paper resources
designing curriculum to support and deliver information literacy AoS/discipline-specific instruction
designing digital pathways to provide gateways to resources for students, faculty and staff
designing and delivering online Research Guides, tutorials and other supporting content to support classroom instruction
choosing equitable ancillary support services for 24/7 guarantee of student access
internal and external (local, state and federal as well as grant) reportage
ACC Library Faculty-Created Online Research Guide Views by Month
Total Library Information Literacy Tutorial Usage by Semester