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New Program/Degree Library Resource Review for Accreditation : Home

What is a Library Resource Review & why is it needed?

A library resources analysis is a required component of the SACSCOC accreditation guidelines and the THECB application process. The introduction of a new program or degree necessitates an evaluation of our existing collection and an assessment of any additional materials needed to support the new curriculum. 

For this reason, it is paramount that the library is notified on any new programs or degrees planned for your department as soon as discussions begin. Library Services has a number of tools to assess our existing collection and to identify any new resources we may need to best support your department's new programming or coursework. 

How do you start a library resource review for your new program or degree?

You may notify your subject selector directly or you may fill out the following form to initiate a collaboration with ACC Library Services (ACC LS). You may also be contacted by the subject selector in your area, as keeping up to date with curriculum changes is part of the subject selectors' responsibilities. The Library has a number of resources to assess the collection and your program's needs, but of course, the best resource is you and your expertise. Starting a conversation early in the process with ACC LS can ensure that we provide the best resources possible to support student success.

Library Requirements & Standards for Accreditation

The purpose of a library review is to provide the required information needed to complete a new program or degree application. Often it is required that this information come directly from your institutions' library. The following links from the THECB and SACSCOC exemplify the type of information needed and why communication with the library is necessary to complete the application process:

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