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Generative AI and Active Learning : AI Paper Writing and Revisions

Generative AI and Active Learning for librarians

AI Writing Generation vs Evalution

Logging into Chat GPT 3.5:  

  1. Navigate to the Chat GPT 3.5 website or platform where the service is hosted.
  2. Enter your login credentials, which typically include your username or email and password.
  3. If you're accessing ChatGPT for the first time, follow the on-screen instructions to set up your account.
  4. Once logged in, you should have access to the Chat GPT 3.5 interface. If there are specific features or options, explore the platform to familiarize yourself with its capabilities.

AI-Generated Paper on World War 2 or a topic of your choosing:

Imagine utilizing the power of AI to generate a comprehensive paper on World War 2. ChatGPT, with its natural language processing capabilities, can craft an informative and engaging piece. Instruct the AI with a prompt like "Write a 450-word paper on World War 2, covering key events, major players, and its lasting impact on global history." The AI can delve into historical archives, providing insights on pivotal moments, military strategies, and the socio-political landscape during that period. The resulting paper can be valuable, demonstrating AI's ability to distill complex historical information into a concise and coherent narrative. As we evaluate AI's contribution, we consider factors such as clarity, accuracy, and the ability to convey historical significance effectively.

AI Evaluation of Student Writing Sample 

The two writing samples below are from undergraduate-level writing assignments produced by a librarian. One is from an essay on the film adaptation of Great Expectations and the other is from a research paper on genetics. You can either copy and paste these writing samples or put in your own, then ask the AI to evaluate it and give feedback.


The cinematic adaptation of Great Expectations, directed by Alfonso Cuarón, starring Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow who portray Finn and Estella respectively, and released in 1998, reinvents the original story by Charles Dickens, revamping it into a contemporary telling; the reworking changes certain elements, such as the setting and time period, and introduces original additions, such as explicit sexuality, as well nudity, and cinematic techniques. However, these modifications also call for the removal of many details from the novel, choosing to focus the film on the relationship between the Pip figure, renamed Finn, and the enthralling and elusive Estella; the resulting cinematic experience, despite differing significantly from the Dickens novel, uses the concepts of modern society as well cinematic techniques to convey a message not unlike that of the original, updated to meet the expectations of the modern audience.

The gentleman Philip Pirrip becomes the artist Finnegan Bell, cared for by his older sister Maggie and her boyfriend, fisherman and handyman Joe. The eccentric yet calculating Nora Dinsmoor plays the part of the jilted bride, hiding away in the lush mansion much like Miss Havisham. The convict and mobster, Arthur Lustig, easily steps into the role that shadows Abel Magwitch. Estella retains many of her characteristics from the novel, such as her cool nature or her implacable beauty, and still treats Finn almost mockingly, but she attains a more erotic nature in the film. Despite these alterations, Finn and Estella still find each other and begin a relationship, now charged with the modern concepts of sexuality of the twentieth century.

Several twin studies were launched in an attempt to find concordance in sexuality between both monozygotic and dizygotic twins. While earlier twin studies were launched with results, criticisms followed; people insisted a self-selection bias existed in which homosexuals with gay siblings were more inclined to participate, especially if the studies advertised for participants in publications intended for homosexuals. A study of more than 7,600 adult twins launched in Sweden to combat this self-selection bias and reaped statistically significant results. A conclusion derived from the results, according to the study, “support the notion that same-sex behavior arises not only from heritable but also from individual-specific environmental sources” such as illness, trauma, peer groups and sexual experiences (Långström). With so much difference within the set of twins, hereditary effects may not be the only primary deciding factor in sexuality but it still remains statistically significant.

Other studies attempted to link a chromosome to sexual orientation with some degree of success. Researchers Mustanski and DuPree did a full genome scan of sexual orientation in men, with a sample size of 456 individuals from 146 families with two gay brothers or more. They found two regions that suggest possible close linkage, 8p12 and 10q26, and one that just nearly fails in statistical significance, 7q36, in possible linkage. Furthermore, according to the results, “the 10q26 region is of special interest because it results from excess sharing of maternal but not paternal alleles” (Mustanski) which suggests a familial effect on human sexual orientation although the degree remains unclear pending future studies.

AI Paper

Step 1: Review the Rubric

  • Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the pre-created rubric provided for evaluating the AI-generated paper.
  • The rubric outlines specific criteria and corresponding point values designed to assess various aspects of the AI-generated content.

Step 2: Have AI Generate / Evaluate the Paper

  • Carefully read through the AI-generated paper. For example, imagine the AI has generated a paper about "World War 2" with a target word count of 450 words. ( You can also choose a topic in your subject area )
  • Take notes on key points and areas that align with the criteria specified in the rubric.
  • Then consider the evaluation of a writing sample given to the AI and see how it reviews the paper and gives feedback.

Step 3a: Write an Introductory Paragraph (optional)

  • Using your understanding of the rubric and the content generated by the AI, write an introductory paragraph for the paper on "World War 2."
  • Tell the AI to ensure that the introduction sets the stage for the topic, providing context and capturing the reader's interest.

Step 3b: Write a Body Paragraph (optional) 

  • Develop a body paragraph based on the AI-generated content, expanding on a specific aspect of "World War 2" as outlined in the rubric.
  •  Tell the AI to focus on clarity, coherence, and the effective communication of historical information.

Step 4: Evaluate Each Criterion

  • Refer back to the rubric and, based on the AI-generated content you've read, evaluate the introductory paragraph and body paragraph you've written for adherence to the criteria.
  • Assign scores and provide comments for each criterion, considering the quality of writing, coherence, and relevance to the rubric.

Step 5: Consider the Overall Impression

  • After evaluating the individual criteria, step back and consider the overall impression of the AI-generated paper, including the introductory and body paragraphs you've written.
  • Reflect on how effectively the paper addresses the research problem and engages the reader.


Click on the image above.
Rubric created by Jean Darnell (Awaken Librarian)


Questions to keep in mind -- We will discuss together at the end

  • Recall and list three key criteria from the rubric used to evaluate the AI-generated paper. How did these criteria contribute to your understanding of the paper's quality?
  • Critically assess the impact of the AI-generated content on the overall paper. In what ways did the AI enhance or limit the depth of analysis in your introductory and body paragraphs? How might incorporating additional sources or perspectives have improved the paper's overall quality?

  1. Can students leverage AI-generated papers to enhance their writing skills and grammar?

    • Reflect on whether exposure to AI-generated content contributes positively to your understanding of writing techniques and grammar. Consider specific instances where AI suggestions may have influenced your writing improvements.
  2. How does the involvement of AI in the writing process alter the nature of the assignment?

    • Explore the impact of using AI to write a paper on the overall assignment experience. Consider changes in your approach, the creative process, and the level of engagement with the subject matter. Identify any challenges or benefits brought about by AI involvement.
  3. Does having an AI write a paper detract from the learning experience, or does it present an opportunity to master and teach essential skills?

    • Delve into the broader implications of using AI for writing tasks. Reflect on whether relying on AI diminishes the learning experience or if it serves as a tool for mastering and teaching writing skills. Consider the potential for AI to supplement traditional learning methods and address specific areas of improvement.

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