Austin Community College has strict rules and punishments for academic dishonesty, which includes plagiarism.
All colleges, schools, and universities, including Austin Community College, consider plagiarism a scholastic offense and punish students for it. To avoid such charges, you must document your writing.
ACC Administrative rule 6.1202.01 has the guidelines on plagiarism (and academic dishonesty in general).
"...Academic misconduct refers to any activity that compromises academic integrity or subverts the educational process, including but not limited to the following:
You are expected to demonstrate integrity in all of your academic endeavors and plagiarism is a violation of that integrity. There are different forms of academic dishonesty:
Source: Dougherty, K., Lee, S. (2012). Avoiding plagiarism: A workshop on citation [PowerPoint slides].
The following articles all describe real life examples of plagiarism and its consequences. (The following citations are not formatted to style).
The entire section below came from a research guide from Iowa State University. To avoid plagiarism, one must provide a reference to that source to indicate where the original information came from (see the "Source:" section below).
"There are many ways to avoid plagiarism, including developing good research habits, good time management, and taking responsibility for your own learning. Here are some specific tips:
It iis very easy to plagiarize websites.- but remember -- your professor might also be using the Internet to check and see if you've plagiarized an online source. The Internet not only makes it easier to steal others' ideas but also makes it easier to find text or images that were stolen!
All words, images, media, and ideas that you use from other sources, electronic or print, must be documented, including those generated by AI.