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Prayer and Reflection Spaces at ACC: Guidelines

In collaboration with the Office of Belonging and Purpose, Prayer and Reflection spaces will be available to all students and employees in ACC Libraries and Cultural Centers from February 27 through March 30, 2025.

Colorful image that reads Prayer and Meditation Space Banner


Guidelines for Use of Prayer and Meditation Spaces


Austin Community College fosters a culture of Courage, Compassion, Joy, and Yes! We create compassionate spaces acknowledging diverse stories and experiences, building a sense of belonging where all feel heard, seen, and cared for. Our Prayer and Wellness Spaces support this commitment by providing a safe, inclusive environment for all Riverbats, regardless of religion, culture, or beliefs. These spaces are intended for prayer, meditation, reflection, or reset.

1. Please respect the space and maintain a cordial vocal level to support a peaceful environment.


2. Maintain appropriate distance from others engaged in prayer, meditation, or reflection.


3. No candles, lighters, or fire-related items are permitted.


4. Be mindful of others waiting to use the space and limit your time accordingly.


5. Clean up after use and restore the space to its original state.


6. If any concerns arise, please contact ACC's Office of Belonging and Purpose.



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