The library has a number of eBooks available in addition to our regular print collection. They'll show up allong with print books when you search the library catalog.
Film Studies for Free also keeps a list of Open Access Film E-books.
Here are some examples of search strategies:
film editing
film directing
film genres
horror films
Hitchcock criticism
radio history
"Pan's Labyrinth"
Search for Library Resources.
Type the keyword(s) in the box below then press Enter or click the Search button.
To search for books and videos on RTF, go to the library catalog. You can search by keywords and phrases, such as a director's name, a movie title, a specific genre, a theme, a language, a country, etc.
Remember that e-Books are still books even though you read them online. You can search for e-books only, or just look for the ebook symbol in the catalog.
You can also browse in the library by call number. Library books are arranged alphabetically by call number:
HE 8689-8700 | Broadcasting & Telecomm in general | TK 6550 | Radio |
PN 1994 | Film (Motion Pictures) | TK 6630 | Television |
Film Studies for Free also keeps a list of Open Access Film E-books.