Articles are a great way to learn about recent developments in the field and new trends in research. Magazines and trade publications from professionals help distribute professional knowledge. Scholarly articles from research journals are essentially researchers and subject experts sharing new pieces of knowledge with their peers around the world.
ACC Library provides a wide number of online resources which you can access through the library website, either in the A - Z List of Databases or jump straight to the section on databases for Technical Communications. Recommended databases for articles about Technical Communication are listed below. You can also search for articles using the library catalog search box below. If you want a list of our Technical Communication journals, you can find it directly linked below with the databases.
There are two main types of periodical articles: journals (advanced, scholarly) and magazines (less technical).
ACC gets the great majority of its periodicals through online collections, such as those listed below. Paper copies of Technical Communication and IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication are available at NRG.