The Balcones Center for Creative Writing at Austin Community College recognizes outstanding books of fiction!
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The Balcones Center for Creative Writing at Austin Community College recognizes outstanding books of poetry!
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Want more detailed information on the publishing companies above check out the Writer's Market reference book!
The Big, Big List of Indie Publishers and Small Presses
African Books Collective
African Books Collective (ABC) is an African-owned, worldwide marketing and distribution outlet for books from Africa - scholarly, literature and children's books. We also run the website which profiles the work of African publishers and books.
Alice James Books (AJB) Founded as a feminist press, Alice James Books is committed to collaborating with literary artists of excellence whose voices have been historically marginalized by producing, promoting, and distributing their work which often engages the public on important social issues.
The Feminist Press
The Feminist Press publishes books that ignite movements and social transformation. Celebrating our legacy, we lift up insurgent and marginalized voices from around the world to build a more just future.
The most respected and storied African-American imprint in publishing, Amistad was founded in 1986 to specialize in the works of authors who honor and consecrate the memory of those who fought—and continue to fight—for freedom.
Beacon Press
Beacon Press is an independent publisher of serious non-fiction. Our books often change the way readers think about fundamental issues; they promote such values as freedom of speech and thought; diversity, religious pluralism, and anti-racism; and respect for diversity in all areas of life.
Bellevue Literary Press
Bellevue Literary Press is devoted to publishing literary fiction and nonfiction at the intersection of the arts and sciences because we believe that science and the humanities are natural companions for understanding the human experience.
City Lights
With over 200 titles in print, we publish cutting-edge fiction, poetry, memoirs, literary translations and books on vital social and political issues.
Clash Books is an independent literary press focusing on fiction, non-fiction, poetry, & art that blends & challenges genre expectations.