Search for Library Resources.
Type the keyword(s) in the box below then press Enter or click the Search button.
Here are some examples of search strategies:
Materials in our libraries are shelved according to the Library of Congress Classification system. The music collection is located at the Northridge Campus Library. You can browse the library catalog and the library stacks (shelves) with these music call number ranges:
M 1-5000 Music (collections of musical sources, collected works of individual composers, instrumental music, solo instruments, orchestra, band, and vocal music)
ML 1-3930 Literature on music (dictionaries, encyclopedias, history and criticism, biography, composition, types of music)
ML 3000 -3790 (music business, recording industry)
MT 1-960 Musical instruction and study (music theory, instrumental techniques, singing and vocal technique)
TK 7881.4 Sound -- Recording and reproducing -- Digital techniques (also in ML 74.4)
If you cannot find material you need, please ask a librarian for assistance. You can also search libraries worldwide through WorldCat. Ask about interlibrary loan if you find a title you need at a distant library.
With your ACCeID, you can get a TexShare card at your campus library to borrow books from local member libraries.
When you have found library items in this guide you would like to borrow
--Click the Request Item button to the right of the book title.
--Type in your ACCeID number and password on the request form and click LOG IN.
--Select a campus Pickup Location.
It usually takes 2-5 business days to have material sent from one campus library to another through campus mail.
Most books and media items are loaned for two weeks. You may renew your material twice if it has not been requested by another borrower.
To renew materials online, go to My Account.
The library also provides access to e-books which can be read online. Look for the symbol in your catalog search results.
View e-book titles found by keyword searching music* (results will be sorted by relevance). Keep in mind that some of the books found may not be entirely about the subject, as this is a keyword search that will retrieve any results with music anywhere in the record (e.g., music business, musician, musical, world music, etc.).
You will need to submit your ACCeID and password to read and e-books if you are not on campus.
Need sheet music?
Take a look at this list from the library catalog.