The international newsweekly of music, video, and home entertainment has profiles, commentary, album ratings, reviews, and more. Academic Search Complete full text: 01/08/1994 to present. The online site is a great place to perform a music search.
Features profiles of Country Music artists, songwriters, radio executives, and other industry leaders; covers business trends, and updates on the latest in the world of Country. Academic Search Complete full text: 08/01/2007 to present.
CMJ New Music Monthly is available in Google Books from January 1995 to June 2008. Select an issue and click "Preview this magazine »" to read articles.
This publication website discusses new productions, provides profiles of directors and designers; includes interviews, recordings and performance reviews, audio and video, events, and news of the art form in the United States and around the world.
Covers Rock & Roll and national affairs, has feature stories, reviews, classified ads, and music rating charts. Academic Search Complete full text: 08/09/1990 to present.
"RootsWorld is a world music magazine started in 1993 .... Our focus is the music is the music of the world: Africa, Asia, Europe, Pacifica and The Americas, the roots of the global musical milieu that has come to be known as world music...."
A magazine "for players of violin, viola, cello, bass and fiddle," this publication's website provides "downloads, books sheet music, videos, articles, news, reviews and more."
"Our mission is to educate and entertain our readers. We educate them about great contemporary bands from the state as well as provide interesting historical perspectives on music in Texas. We entertain them with humorous stories about many of Texas' colorful personalities as well as provide coverage of music events ....""Our first issue debuted Dec. 3, 1999...."