These are the primary call numbers for material on geography and GIS.
G 1 - 900 |
General Geography & GIS |
G 1019-1776 | General & Thematic Atlases |
GA 101-1776 | Cartography |
GB | Physical Geography |
GE | Environment |
GF 1-199 | Human Ecology/Environment |
Search for Library Resources.
Type the keyword(s) in the box below then press Enter or click the Search button.
Library patrons may use the Discovery interface to find books, DVDs, and other circulating materials. Near the top of the library home page at, type in a keyword or phrase for your subject in the search entry box to which the red arrow points in the image below. Then click on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search entry box.
A page with search results will appear. A purple column on the left has filters for limiting to particular types of items. For example, you can use the Format limiter to limit your results to ebooks. Check the box for Book (Ebook). Then click on the Limit to tab above.
If your results include a high percentage of items that are irrelevant to your subject, you may be able to increase the precision of your search. You can experiment with changing your search term or phrase to something better reflecting your particular subject.
You may also use the Advanced Search option. A link to the advanced search page is near the top of the search results page and to the right of the orange Search tab.
Yet another means to greater precision may be to filter your results by Subject. For example, suppose you search for ebooks on the mental health issue of depression using just the word depression for your search term. In this example, your search results will include items about economic depressions such as the Great Depression which began in 1929. We call such irrelevant items “false drops.”
Fortunately, the purple column for limiting search results includes a Subject filter. You can check subjects relevant to your subject, such as Depression, Mental, and then click on the Limit to tab above. This should eliminate false drops about economic depressions. However, leaving some subject terms about depression pertaining to mental health unchecked may also reduce your search’s recall of relevant items.
Don't forget! The libraries have many atlases on atlas stands that you may use in the library. Additionally, atlases are available for checking out and taking with you.
Online, full-text Electronics books accessible from on or off campus