Career Accelerator and Job & Career Accelerator
Great resource available ONLY to currently enrolled ACC students and current ACC employees. Both tools are choices in the middle of the screen (large squares) for the "LearningExpress Library".
Outside this Reseach Guide, access LearningExpress Library from the Library home page - - then on the left choose 'A-Z List of Databases', then from the alphabet choose 'L', then LearningExpress.
If you are off campus, use your current ACC eID/password to login at the pop up authentication screen.
All users need to register as a new user (top right) to create your own private space (Be Wise - DO NOT use your same ACC eID/pw information for that registration!). After you register, each time you visit use the Login (also top right) to access your own space to search and save materials, and so create your own personal library!