The electronic resources subscribed to by ACC Library Services are usually the best places to start. Remember these resources are a part of the private web, so they are maintained regularly and the information there is controlled.
These electronic resources are available from the library website:
Some of these electronic resources are "reference" sources (encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies) which are good for back ground information and facts. Here are some examples:
Some are "indexes" to magazine, journal, and newspaper articles:
Some are both reference sources and indexes
Because these resources are part of the private web, you will need your ACCeID to gain access when you are off campus.
For the public World Wide Web, it's often smart to begin using a web directory if you have a general topic, such as "Child Development" or "Journalism". The ACC libraries have Subject Guides which include links to web resources.
But when you have specific questions, you may wish to use a web search engine. We recommend you pick one of the following search engines and learn it in some detail: