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Finding Books and Videos: Understand An Item Record

Learn how to find books, videos and more in the ACC library.

How do you read a library item record?


1. If you want an item from another campus, click the REQUEST ITEM button and fill in the form that follows. The item can be sent to any campus. This usually takes 2-4 weekdays. (You can also call a library yourself and have the staff hold the item for you to pick up in person.)



2. The Call Number is like an item's address, it tells you where the item lives on the shelf. ACC uses the Library of Congress Classification System which is a combination of letters and numbers. The materials are shelved alphabetically according to the first letters of the call number and then numerically.


3. The Library field indicates which campus or campuses own the item and where it is kept at the campus library.


4. Status-indicates the item's current availability, in other words whether the item is checked out or not.

Book/CD/DVD - Circulating Shelves means the book, CD or DVD is available section of the library where the circulating items (items that can be checked out) are kept. Please note: DVDs and CDs are shelved by subject among the books.

Book - Leisure Reading means the book is available in the Leisure Reading area of the library, usually near the magazines and newspapers. Ask a Librarian for help in finding these books.

A Date in the field indicates that the item is NOT available - it is currently checked out and this is the due date. Use the REQUEST ITEM button to place a "hold" so the item will be put aside and held for you when it is returned.

Streaming Video - Online Access means you can play the video on your device by choosing the Title of the item and then View Now.

Electronic Book - Online Access means you can read the book on your device by choosing the Title of the item and then View Now. Some E-books limit how many people can use them at one time. Ask a Librarian if you need assistance.

Reserve Desk  indicates the item has been set aside at the circulation desk for a specific class. These have various brief checkout periods, including 2-hour reserves that must be used in the library.

Reference book - Reference material means the item is shelved in a separate area of the library near the Reference Desk. This book must be used in the library and may include subject encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, almanacs or citation guides.

Check Shelf means the book is available and on the shelf.


There are a few other possible status statements, ask a librarian if you have any questions or if you can't find an item that should be on the shelf.


How do you read a library item record?

You should end up at a screen similar to the one below.

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