Turnbolt Ave
Austin, Texas 78713 |
RETURN ADDRESS: Always provide your address so that your reader can contact you. |
23 February 2008 | DATE: The date is useful for record-keeping. |
Computers 11213 Technology Blvd Houston, Texas 77078 |
RECIPIENT ADDRESS: Give the reader's name and address as they appear on the envelope in which your letter is mailed. |
Dear Mr. Underwood: | SALUTATION or attention line: Address the reader by name punctuated with a colon. When writing to a manager you do not know by name or to a department, use an attention line. (Example: "Attention Claims Manager.") Avoid stuffy "Dear Sir" or "Dear Madam" salutations. |
I am writing this letter to express my appreciation for the wonderful assistance we received from your staff during the past month. | INTRODUCTION: Begin your letter with a short statement of your subject and reason for writing. |
Your salespersons did a terrific job in analyzing our company's needs and providing us with options which were well within our budget for the project. The equipment was shipped in a timely fashion and the installation was as easy as we were told it would be. When a few minor problems arose, your technical assistance staff were very responsive and the problems were quickly resolved over the telephone. | YOUR TEXT: Explain your subject fully and clearly. Be accurate and don't waste your reader's time with unnecessary details. |
Please thank all of the people who were instrumental in getting the project up and running on time. Your assistance meant a great deal in our being able to finish according to our published timeline. | CLOSING: End your letter by saying something helpful or courteous to your reader. If you thank your reader, explain why. |
Sincerely, | COMPLIMENTARY CLOSE: "Sincerely" is a good choice. Punctuate your close with a comma. |
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Joseph Goodenhour | A TYPED COPY OF YOUR NAME |