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Faculty Teaching Toolbox: Learning & Study Help for Students

The Faculty Teaching Toolbox is a resource for faculty and staff that provides an introduction to some of the many instructional support services offered by Austin Community College.

What is the Student Learning Toolbox?

The Student Learning Toolbox  provides an introduction to college-level learning strategies and study skills.

Featuring a variety of content developed by ACC faculty and staff and by external sources, the learning resources you find here are available to ACC students for independent study or may be assigned as a part of coursework for your classes.

How do I access the Student Learning Toolbox?

How do I use the Student Learning Toolbox?

  •  Mention the Student Learning Toolbox in your syllabus when discussing the resources available to students who need assistance in your course.
  • Post instructions for accessing the "Testing Tips" section before exams, the "Group Work" section prior to group assignments, and the "Research Success" concurrently with assignments that require research.
  •  Require students with low grades to visit the Student Learning Toolbox.. This can help both the student identify areas in which s/he needs extra attention.
  • Create an assignment tied to a specific area in the Student Learning Toolbox for your students to complete.

What do I tell my students?

The Student Learning Toolbox is intended to help your students succeed. You can encourage them to explore the Toolbox at the start of your course, reminding them that it is self-paced, organized by topic, and interactive. Let them know there is something there for everyone.

During the semester, you may have a student who is struggling ask you for help. The Student Learning Toolbox may have a resources to address your student's need. Each tab within the toolbox has a unique URL. You can copy the URL to the needed resources, and send it to your student via email. In this way, you have given your student direction to take advantage of the support ACC offers, empowering them to take action.

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