To find books, try using the following keywords in a search...
Books in GDAMG are primarily located in these call number ranges on the shelf.
QA 76.76 C672 - Computer games
GV 1469.15-1469.62 - Computer games, Video games, Fantasy games
NC 1765-1766 - Animation
TR 897.5-897.7 - Computer animation, animation design programs, character modeling
For more help, you can always ask the librarian at the reference desk.
Books are a great resource for finding in-depth information on your topic, since books are often written by subject experts. They help consolidate knowledge regarding the topic and present a foundational overview. You can find both physical books and e-books through the library: you can check physical books out from the library with your student I.D. and you can often download e-books to your computer (or tablet or phone) to read.
When you find a book, make sure to consider the author and the publication date: knowing how recent the book was written and if the author is an expert on the topic can help you determine whether the book is more useful or not for your research.