If you are looking for a book or need to find a source from the web, we can help with that as well! ACC Libraries has a great selection of books, ebooks, and streaming videos to help you get your work completed.
A note on searching the web:
There are lots of great websites out there, and many of them offer specific, up to date information on your topic. When searching the web you should to be careful to avoid websites written by unknown authors who are not experts in their field, or that use biased research and data. This can be hard to navigate. Check out our resources below for help!
To see our full suite of Research Success Tutorials click HERE.
You can also find great tips and resources on the Chemistry LibGuide HERE.
www.cdc.gov (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
www.energy.gov (Department of Energy)
www.nih.gov (National Institutes of Health)
webbook.nist.gov/chemistry (NIST Chemistry WebBook)
toxnet.nlm.nih.gov (TOXNET)
Molecular Weight Calculator
Calculates molecular weights from molecular formulas.
This astonishingly powerful, award-winning database from The Royal Society of Chemistry provides fast access to over 30 million chemical structures and properties, as well as nearly unlimited links and related information.