These resources from all the ACC Libraries are focused on helping with basic concepts in commonly taken ACC Biotechnology classes. We have lots of other material on specific and more advanced topics.
Videos and electronic books are noted with the icon after "Format", or under "Item Type". Click on the title to see more detailed information. Scroll down the box (if applicable) to see full availability and locations. Use the "Request this copy" button on the right to have item sent to your campus if necessary.
This is a sample of available items. When you visit the library and go to where one of these is shelved, you can browse nearby and most likely find additional useful books and videos.
Search for Library Resources.
Type the keyword(s) in the box below then press Enter or click the Search button.
Search the Library Catalog for books and other materials. Some helpful search terms for Biotechnology are:
Biological Technician
Computational Biology
Medical Informatics
Materials in our libraries are shelved according to the LC Classification System.
Common Call Numbers for Biotechnology are: