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CHEM 1111 Library Research - Elements: Start Here

Why do I need this?

ACC Libraries has prepared this guide to help point out the steps and resources you will encounter while working on your Chem 1111 library assignment. Scientific research can be daunting, but we're here to help! 

The best place to start is by going through our Finding Scientific Information tutorial (see below). 

About your assignment

Requirements: 1-1.5 pages; at least 2 sources: a reference work and an article from a science magazine or journal. Your paper should be double spaced. 

Warning: Requirements may vary by instructor. 

Student Learning Outcomes

After completing this assignment, undergraduate chemistry students will be able to:

- examine a particular chemistry element in depth;

- develop a search strategy for researching the element;

- develop research skills that relate to chemistry and other sciences;

- evaluate information sources for usefulness and reliability.

Finding Scientific Information

Finding Scientific Information

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