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Class by Stephanie Land - Book Club: Home

Welcome to Class

What to Expect

Welcome to the Class book discussion guide.  Whether you're an enthusiastic reader, or approaching this book with curiosity, we invite you to explore Stephanie Land's memoir with us!

What you'll find in this guide:

  • Engaging Conversations- Join us as we journey through the pages of Class: A Memoir of Motherhood, Hunger, and Higher Education. We'll discuss themes from the book that may parallel the experiences of our ACC students.  Share your thoughts, ask questions and connect with fellow readers in the ACC community.
  • Book Resources- Explore resources dedicated to Class.  With author interviews and insightful book reviews, immerse yourself in the world of Stephanie Land to enrich your reading experience. 
  • Social Resources and Support- Discover invaluable social support services for  ACC employees and students designed to nurture well-being, foster connection and support a culture of belonging and purpose. 
  • Book Club Toolkit- Equip yourself with tools and resources needed to spark engaging discussions and cultivate meaningful connections through your own book club experience.  Find discussion questions, book club best practices, templates and activities to start your own book club.

Where to get your book/eBook

book spines of Class

Stop by your nearest ACC campus library to pick up your free copy. 

A limited number of print books and eBooks are also available for check out:

Class by Stephanie Land

Class book cover

Content warnings

This book contains subject material that may be disturbing or upsetting, including descriptions of food and housing insecurity, graphic sexual content and domestic abuse. 

Class Assignment & General Assembly

All ACC employees should have received a copy of Stephanie Land's memoir, Class.  Visit your ACC campus library to pick up a copy if you have not received yours yet.  ACC employees should read this book before General Assembly in August to consider the point of view of a struggling student.  Click here to read more about this assignment and view ACC's new Values and Theory of Change here.


General Assembly 2024 with special guest, Stephanie Land (link coming soon)


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