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CHEM 1111 Library Research - Elements: What do I need to answer?


Start by doing some background research on the element in our reference databases (See tab Reference Sources). While reading the reference sources, look for more specific terms there that you can then search for in journals or scientific magazines (See tab Periodical Sources) . 

Use your Lab Notes handout to brainstorm some keywords.

Example: Copper

General keywords are used to broaden the search if you need more results. (ex. Copper, element)

Specific keywords can be used to narrow the search if you get too many unfocused results. (ex. properties, atomic mass, reaction)

Web Resources

Here are a few element specific websites to help in your research:

A periodic table with basic information on the elements.

Chemicool Periodic Table 
Includes a Chemistry Dictionary, Chemistry Tools, Resources, and a discussion and help Forum. 

Chemical Education Digital Library - ChemEd DL

Exemplary digital resources, tools, and online services for teaching and learning chemistry such as Periodic Table Live and Models 360.

Lab Notes

Here are electronic versions of the Lab Notes you will need to complete your assignment.

You can download the word document to edit. Don't have Microsoft Word? You can get access by following the steps here (you may need to log in with your ACCeID and password).

For the google document, you will need to make a copy of the document before you can edit. Have questions about google docs? Get more information here.  

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