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Introduction to Sociology/ Spr24 Decierdo: Assignment



(Minimum 500 words)

After researching "environmental justice" and "environmental racism" and exploring EJScreen, you are expected to write up a "mini research paper" in the format of a peer-reviewed journal article. The conceptual framework of environmental racism has been provided.  The structure of a research article is as follows:

Introduction: Introduce environmental racism and environmental justice, and perhaps include future sustainability issues connected to hazardous waste streams.  

Methods: Introduce the EJScreen tool and its function. Describe the indicators you chose to examine in the zip code.

Findings: Analyze the findings to determine if the data supports environmental racism theory.


Environmental Racism

Environmental Racism - Environmental racism refers to the way in which minority group neighborhoods (populated primarily by people of color and members of low socioeconomic groups) are burdened with a disproportionate number of hazards, including toxic waste facilities, garbage dumps, and other sources of environmental pollution and foul odors that lower the quality of life. All around the globe, members of minority groups bear a greater burden of health problems that result from higher exposure to waste and pollution. This can occur due to unsafe or unhealthy work conditions where no regulations exist (or are enforced) for poor workers, or in neighborhoods that are uncomfortably close to toxic materials.

Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. This goal will be achieved when everyone enjoys:

  • The same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards and

  • Equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work.

Environmental Justice Screen (EJScreen)

In order to better meet the Agency’s responsibilities related to the protection of public health and the environment, EPA has developed a new environmental justice (EJ) mapping and screening tool called EJScreen. It is based on nationally consistent data and an approach that combines environmental and demographic indicators in maps and reports. 


Step By Step

General Step-by-Step 

1. Go EJScreen and enter your zip code preferably large urban areas (Limited to the United States).

  • Explore the various "indicators" or categories of demographic and environmental data. Watch the how-to-use video - the more time you take here the quicker you can move through the assignment.

  • Provide a rationale for why you have chosen your indicators.  The rationale should focus on not just personal interest but how you think your indicators support the environmental racism theory:  That people of color and lower socioeconomic status individuals have higher exposure to environmental hazards that result in poor health status.

  • Identify which of your indicators are independent variables 

  • Identify which of your indicators are the dependent variables 

2.  Choose a minimum of two socio-demographic indicators from either one or both of the following categories: 

Keep in mind for every indicator you choose you will need to speak to it in your response and include a definition of the term.  

Provide a social science definition for each indicator you have chosen. Not Webster you can use the EPA Glossary of Terms. They are based on social science research.

  • Socioeconomic Indicators

  • More Demographics

3.  Choose a minimum of two environmental hazard indicators from either one or both of the following categories:

Keep in mind for every indicator you choose you will need to speak to it in your response and include a definition of the term.  

Provide a social science definition for each indicator you have chosen. Not Webster you can use the EPA Glossary of Terms. They are based on social science research.

  • Pollution and Sources

  • Climate Change

4.  Choose a minimum of two public health indicators from either one or more of the following categories: 

Keep in mind for every indicator you choose you will need to speak to it in your response and include a definition of the term.  

Provide a social science definition for each indicator you have chosen. Not Webster you can use the EPA Glossary of Terms. They are based on social science research.

  • Environmental Justice Indexes

  • Health Disparities

  • Critical Service Gaps

5.  Write up your mini-research paper and provide one additional academic reference to support your analysis of the data. 





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