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Rivera Spring 2024 : Evaluating Sources

The CRAAP Test

What is CRAAP?

CRAAP is an acronym for a set of criteria to help you find the best sources for your school work.  Use it like a checklist for evaluating sources for academic purposes like papers, reports, and speeches.  The rubric below can help you choose sources for your paper or other school work. 
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Evaluating Information

For more about evaluating your sources and the CRAAP criteria, see the Evaluating Information tutorial.

Evaluating Information Tutorial Image, see link below

Fake Out

Play Fakeout- an interactive game that will challenge your ability to verify the claims and stories you find online and spot fake news.

Can you spot fake news?  

Fake Out is an interactive game where you'll incorporate what you've learned about the CRAAP test and the SIFT method to determine the validity of the claims presented.  Can you sort fact from fiction?

Is it CRAAP?

CRAAP refers to the five things we are looking for in a source: Currency, relevance, authority, accuracy and purpose


Currency, Relevance, and Authority

Currency: When was the information published? When was the website updated? Some exceptions...  Relevance: Does this relate to my topic? Who is the intended audience? Does it add value to my assignment?  Authority: Who is the author? Do they provide their credentials? Why can I trust this person to educate me?

Accuracy & Purpose

Accuracy: Be a fact-checker!  Does this information seem correct? Are claims and statements backed up by evidence or citations?  Purpose: What is the author's purpose for writing this? To inform? To sell? To entertain? To persuade? Are possible biases clearly stated?

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