When you borrow someone's information, data or words you must give credit to the original author. The style of documentation, or citation style you use depends on the disciplinary area of the course you are taking, e.g., English or Nursing.
For ENGL 1301 with Professor English, you are to use MLA style. You will use signal phrases, parenthetical citations, and works cited entries in the MLA style. Use the information below to help format your citations correctly.
MLA Citation Guide created by ACC Librarians
Covers basic citation rules and provides citation examples of commonly used source types.
MLA Formatting and Style Guide
Created by the Purdue Online Writing Lab
The MLA Style Center
Writing sources and support from the Modern Language Association
Check out these websites to help with creating your citations. Always double check against our style guides!
Citation Machine
A citation generator for MLA, APA, Turabian and Chicago styles
A citation generator created by the Hekman Library of Calvin College. It assists with creating citations in MLA, APA and Chicago for all types of resources. You have the option to register for additional features such as saving and exporting citations.
NoodleBib Express quickly creates citations in MLA or APA. You can also register for a NoodleBib MLA Starter account for additional feature such as the ability to save citations and format a works cited page.
A Firefox extension that helps with the collection, management and citation of sources (for Firefox only)
Most of our databases include tools that automatically generate citations for every article, video, eBook that you open. The citation tools may look different depending on which database you use. Look for the icons below in your resources to quickly access a citation that you can copy and past into your assignment. Don't forget to check these auto-generated citations for occasional errors (use the ACC Library Style Guides!)