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Summer '24 - EDUC 1300 - Mendoza by Kara Dixon and Mavis Klemcke: AI

AI Tools for Research

AI Options

In this activity, you'll have the opportunity to explore various AI models, including ChatGPT, for your research purposes. However, ChatGPT is not connected to the internet and was last updated in DEC 2023, so keep that in mind when selecting any of the following options. Let's begin!

Feel free to explore these options further to determine which aligns best with your research or project requirements.

Fun Ideas with AI

Try some FUN ideas and paste the results into the Padlet so we can share and talk about them later; here are some suggestions.

Artistic Creations

  • Use AI-powered art generators to create digital artwork or generate unique designs. Participants can experiment with different styles and themes, allowing their creativity to flow with the help of AI. 
    • Try using the Padlet AI feature or DALL-E 2 
    • Have AI write a poem, song, haiku, or ending to a story and see what happens. 
    • Have AI write a bedtime story with you or your loved ones as main characters. 

AI Travel Planning Experience

Embark on a unique travel adventure using AI-powered travel planning tools.

  • Destination Exploration:

    • Use AI travel apps to explore a wide array of destinations globally. Input your interests, whether it's historical sites, art museums, culinary experiences, or natural wonders.
  • Customized Itinerary:

    • AI algorithms can suggest personalized itineraries based on your selected destinations and interests. Enjoy curated experiences, uncover hidden gems, and learn about the history and significance of each location.

Everyday Skills

  • AI-Powered Grocery List:

    • Develop a simple AI chatbot or app where users can verbally or textually input items they need for their grocery list. The AI can categorize items, suggest quantities, and even provide alternatives for out-of-stock items.
  • Meal Planning Assistant:

    • Build an AI tool that helps users plan their meals for the week. Users can input dietary preferences, cooking time constraints, and ingredients they have. The AI suggests meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, considering their preferences and availability of ingredients.

  • Personalized Recipe Creator:

    • Develop an AI tool that allows users to create their recipes. Users can input the ingredients they want to use, and the AI suggests recipes based on those ingredients, providing a platform for culinary creativity.

Everyday Ideas

  • AI Grammar Checker:

    • Develop an AI-powered grammar checker that proofreads written content. Users can input emails, documents, or other texts, and the AI checks for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes and suggests corrections. This tool ensures that written communication is error-free and professional.

  • Personalized Book Recommender:

    • Create an AI-based book recommendation system. Users can input their reading preferences, favorite genres, or specific books they enjoyed. The AI analyzes this information and suggests personalized book recommendations, helping users discover new reading material tailored to their tastes.                                                                                                  

  • AI House Cleaning Planner:

    • Develop an AI-driven house cleaning planner. Users can input the size of their home, preferred cleaning frequency, and specific cleaning tasks. The AI generates customized cleaning schedules and checklists, ensuring that users can efficiently manage their housekeeping tasks. Additionally, the AI can send reminders for scheduled cleaning activities.

AI Tools for Research

Risks of AI

What Can I Do With AI?

Types of Generative AI

Diagram with nesting circles depicting conceptual relationships between AI, machine learning, neural networks, and generative AI.This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Author: The Original Benny C

From Deakin University Library's Guide "Using Generative AI":

Text content creation:

Image content creation:

Sound content creation:

Coding creation:

Video creation:

Brief Glossary of Artificial Intelligence Terms

Here is an excellent link found by the STEM Club for Girls at Fullers Library!  It is a great overview of Ai Terms.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): A field of study within computer science, focused on the development of computer systems that can accomplish tasks typically associated with human intelligence. These tasks include speech recognition, route mapping, decision making, etc.

Bias: The training data of an AI model can skew the output, leading it to generate inaccurate or offensive material.

Chatbot: A program designed to communicate with humans in a natural manner, sometimes to facilitate providing information or completing tasks.

Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT): A chatbot developed by OpenAI. ChatGPT is a transformer type of AI that is designed to mimic conversations using natural language processing, through which users can write prompts to generate text-based responses.

Generative AI: A model of artificial intelligence that can generate new content such as text, images, video, etc., through pattern recognition, by examining large amounts of training data and creating material that contains similar characteristics to identified patterns in the dataset. Examples include ChatGPT, Claude, Midjourney or DALL-E.

Hallucinations: Instances where a generative AI model generates output that contains inaccurate or irrelevant information, especially when it may look correct. For example, when asking ChatGPT (or any text-based generative AI) to generate a list of citations for a topic, the citations it provides may look accurate but the source material associated with the citation may not actually exist when searching for it.

Large Language Model (LLM): An AI model that receives large amounts of training data that establishes the capacity for it to respond to conversational queries. AI such as ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude use LLM.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): The programmed capacity to understand conversations and respond in kind.

Prompt: A structured text-based query that asks a generative AI to generate new content in the form of text, image, video, etc.

Prompt Engineering: The process of refining prompts to elicit more desirable results from generative AI.

Training Data: The development of a generative AI model involves the input of specific types of data, often in large amounts. This process is referred to as “training” and it determines the content output of the specific model. For example, if developing an AI that reviews artwork specifically, the AI model will be trained only on data containing artwork.

This glossary is an adaptation of the following sources: Generative AI as a Research Tool from Brown University and Librarians Can Play a Key Role Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Schools from School Library Journal.

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