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Fall '24 - INRW 0420- Lujan- by Kara Dixon: Evaluating Sources

The CRAAP Test

What is CRAAP?

CRAAP is an acronym for a set of criteria to help you find the best sources for your school work.  Use it like a checklist for evaluating sources for academic purposes like papers, reports, and speeches.  The rubric below can help you choose sources for your paper or other school work. 
Click the image below to expand.

Lateral Reading

Interactive Media Bias Chart

Click the image to interactInteractive Media Bias Chart

All Sides Bias Checker

All Sides- Don't be fooled by media bias and misinformation


The SIFT Method

Use these SIFT skills employed by many fact checkers to determine if a news source or claim is factual and trustworthy.  Stop! Do NOT read or share the source you found until you know what it is. Ask yourself whether you know and trust the website or source of information. Avoid getting lost in the “click cycle.”  Investigate the source. Use Google or fact checking websites to learn more about the source of information. Fact checking websites like:,,, AP Factcheck "Find better coverage.  If you source you found seems to be quoting from another article or other source, find the multiple trustworthy sources of information.  Check out the media bias chart!  If you’re not sure what coverage is trust worthy- look at a variety to see what the consensus is. Trace claims back to the original source to confirm facts and context.

Fact Checking Websites

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