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Occupational Therapy Assistant: Finding Web Sites

A research guide for Occupational Therapy Assistant students at Austin Community College

Evaluating Web Sites

How can you tell if a web site is trustworthy or not? It's not always easy, but there are things that you can look for that will help you decide.

  • Who is the author? Are they qualified to talk about this subject?
  • How accurate is the information? You may need to compare what you find with another source to answer this question.
  • Who is the audience? This can influence how much detail is included.
  • What point of view is being represented? All sites have a bias, but is it obvious or are they trying to hide something?
  • How up to date is the site? Older information may no longer be accurate.

Need Help?

Need help finding information on the Internet and interpreting the results?

You can check out our Finding and Evaluating Information on the Internet study guide or try out our brief interactive tutorial on Evaluating Information.

General Sites

The following pages collect a wide range of web sites related to occupational therapy. Remember -- not all web pages were created equal. Use good judgement and common sense when evaluating websites. Be sure to check for accuracy, currency, credibility and bias when using web resources.

General Health Information

Finding information about health topics like cancer, obesity, diabetes, nutrition, etc. is easy. Finding reliable information, however, is more difficult. You can avoid a lot of the garbage that's out there by using this Google custom search engine, which only searches reputable sites like the National Library of Medicine.

For sites of special interest to occupational therapy assistants, mouseover the tab for Finding Web Sites above.

It's easy. Just type your search terms in and click the Search button.

You can also explore each site yourself by clicking on one of the links below:

Centers for Disease Control National Institutes of Health
HealthFinder National Library of Medicine
Mayo Clinic PDRhealth
MedlinePlus Women's Health.Gov





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