"Open Educational Resources" by Ron Mader is licensed under CC BY 2.0
OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. ~ William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
For a more comprehensive overview on OER, see:
Below is a sample of several OER repositories, textbooks, and course materials covering the subject area of Hospitality Management. Additional OER in your subject may be found by searching the resources listed on the ACC Libraries primary Open Educational Resources Guide.
OER Repositories:
Skills Commons - filtered for Hospitality Industry
OER Commons - filtered for Hospitality Industry
Open Textbook Library - filtered for Hospitality Management
Merlot - filtered for Hospitality Management
Oasis - filtered for Hospitality Industry
CTE Online - filtered for Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation (you will need to create a free instructor account to access these materials)
OER Textbooks:
Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC: This textbook is an introduction to the tourism and hospitality industry in British Columbia, and is written with a first year college and university audience in mind.
Fundamentals of Business - 2nd Edition: This textbook is intended as a primary text for one-semester undergraduate introductory business courses.
Course Materials:
Hospitality, Tourism & Recreation Model: Hospitality Tourism & Recreation is a course designed to introduce the student to the various aspects of Hospitality industry.