The EBSCOhost app provides access to all ACC EBSCO databases, including CINAHL Complete, HealthSource-Nursing/Academic Edition, Medline and others.
Tip: This app searches MANY article databases. Go into the settings if you want to only search a particular database, such as the ones listed above.
To get started, click any of the links above, and scroll to the bottom of the page for the iPhone and Android Apps link. Then follow the instructions. Stuck? Contact Steve Self.
PubMed for Handhelds is a site optimized for mobile devices that provides access to several tools from the National Library of Medicine for searching their extensive journal databases. The ones you might find most useful are:
Note: This site does not limit to ACC journal and database holdings. You will likely retrieve many resources not available through ACC.
A free app is available for ACC students and faculty that may help you communicate with patients who speak other languages in clinical situations. The Canopy Speak app, now available for iOS and Android, lets you search for common yes/no medical questions and then speaks and displays them on your device. The access code for unlocking the app is: 8822. Contact Steve Self if this code doesn't work.
Micromedex is a drug database that provides detailed dosage, contraindications, mechanism of action, patient education and other data. It accompanies our full version of Micromedex.
To access, this app, open Micromedex on your device, then scroll down and click on the gray "Download Mobile Apps" link. If you're having trouble accessing the app, contact Steve Self.
NRC Plus is the app for Nursing Resource Center Plus, a point-of-care evidence tool designed to answer nurses' clinical questions quickly. It provides access to evidence-based care sheet, drug guides, skill competency checklists, quick lessons, and more.
To access the app, open Nursing Reference Center Plus in your device's browser, then scroll down to the bottom and lick the NRC Plus Mobile App Access link and follow the instructions. If you're having trouble, contact Steve Self.
Several of our e-resources have mobile apps that can be installed on phones and other devices to make searching even easier. These apps are not run by ACC Libraries, so you may have to go through a registration process to get these to work: