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Courtney Mlinar: CV

Librarian Profile page for Courtney Mlinar

Curriculum Vitae



                                Master of Library Science degree: 

Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX                                          Graduated: Dec. 2006

                -     Beta Phi Mu Honor Society

                                Master of Music degree: 

Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX                                     Graduated:  May 2002

  • Clarinet Performance

                                Bachelor of Music degree: 

Southern Methodist University, Dallas TX                       Graduated cum laude:  May 1980

  • Music Education, Clarinet Performance (double major)

Work Experience:

                                Head Librarian, Austin Community College, Elgin Campus            Aug. 2013-present

  • Manager, ACC Elgin Campus Library
  • Associate Professor
  • ACC Copyright Officer
  • Interim Head Librarian, ACC Rio Grande Campus, Spring 2024
  • TLED Department Chair Academy Development Team
  • TLED Teaching and Learning Academy Development Team // Module Developer
  • TLED Faculty Center Advisory Group
  • ACC Library Leadership Team
  • ACC LS Strategic Planning Committee
  • Facilitator, ACC Library Services Hourly Instruction Librarians Program
  • ACC Library Services (LS) Information Literacy Council
  • Co-Leader, ACC LS Staff Development Team
  • Co-Facilitator, ACC LS Instructive Reference Team
  • ACC LS Copyright Steward
  • Administrator, ACC LS LibGuides CMS
  • Administrator, ACC LS LibCal for Libraries, GIS Workstations, and ACCelerators
  • ACC LS Web Team 
  • ACC Committee for Faculty Innovation and Development (CFID)
  • Emergency Coordinator -  Library/Media Center, Elgin Campus 2014-2016
  • Coordinator, ACC LS ECHS/Dual Credit 2014-2018
  • Project ACC Faculty Institute 2017
  • Global Learning Partner 2015
  • ACC Faculty Leader of the Year Award 2023
  • ACC League Excellence Award 2023
  • ACC Student Life Champion Award Nominee 2023
  • ACC TLED Equity Certificate, 2023
  • Riverbats Employee Bravo Award 2014, 2019, 2021
  • Riverbats Excellence Award 2014, 2019
  • ACC Great Teaching Event, 2014

                             Academic Support Services/Reference Librarian,                         Sept. 2009-Aug. 2013

                                Health Professions Division Library, Nova Southeastern University, Davie, FL

  • Liaison to Colleges of Dental Medicine, Pharmacy 2009-present (hired additional librarian to reference staff 2013)
  • Liaison to Colleges of Dental Medicine, Pharmacy, Optometry 2009-2012
  • Organized Outreach programs for NSU Faculty, Students
  • Developed iPad Initiative for NSU HPD
  • Created NSU-HPD Faculty Development programs sponsored by the HPD Teaching and Learning Center
  • Marketed study breaks such as Bagel Night, Movie Night, Ask a Librarian booth in HPD Cafeteria
  • Created marketing flyers regularly for HPD Library
  • Social Media marketing and networking administrator for HPD Library using 2 Facebook pages (Health Professions Division Library at Nova Southeastern University, iPad Initiative @NSU-HPD), Twitter and (HPD Library News)
  • Assisted with organizing TEDMED at HPD Spring 2012 and 2013
  • Created Library Services survey Mar. 2013 to communicate newer library services such as iPad checkout, scanning
  • Created Excellence in Service survey Jan. 2010 to allow patrons to evaluate library services, resulting in longer library hours, the creation of a 24/7 study center    and numerous library policy changes to better serve the needs of patrons                
  • Embedded instructor in all core curriculum research Pharmacy courses years 1-4, 2 PhD Pharmacy courses, Pharmacy Residents program
  • Embedded instructor in 2 Optometry courses and the Optometry Resident program 2009-2012
  • Embedded instructor in all core curriculum Dental research and 2 elective courses, Post-Graduate Dental Medicine program,  and Dental Resident program
  • HPD Mobile/iPad Initiative Fall 2009-present: resulting in iPad early adopters forum, iPad LibGuide, assisting with academic pilot programs involving tablets, Mobile tab for recommended apps by program in all LibGuides, circulating iPads, Apple TVs, Sprint Hotspots, Samsung Galaxy tablets as well as 3 Mac desktops available for patrons, Mobile Mixers monthly app sharing meetings
  • Innovated  library instruction for doctoral student courses and  residents to include clinical databases and mobile apps in addition to traditional library research instruction
  • Coordinated  with College of Dental Medicine to select eBooks for curriculum in Vital Source Bookshelf supplemented by the HPD Library Reserve books collection
  • Evaluated mobile medical resources to library instruction, HPD Library web site and services and marketed to library patrons using LibGuides
  • Co-authored with Executive Director with National Library of Medicine grant application for joint project with FSU Fall 2010
  • Applied for Elsevier Foundation Innovative Libraries in Developing Countries grant in partnership with the Medical Library, University of West Indies Fall 2011 as Primary Investigator
  • Assisted HPD faculty in research projects resulting in 8 faculty groups earning HPD Faculty Development Chancellor’s grant funding in 2010, 12 faculty groups in 2011, 10 faculty groups in 2012
  • Administrator, HPD LibGuides and Lib Answers
  • Co-chaired NSU LibGuides Task Force Spring 2010; developed and implemented training for all NSU reference librarians for these new subject guides
  • Created 21 subject LibGuides embedded in online courseware beginning in May 2010 and continuing to present
  • Developing course specific LibGuides for College of Pharmacy Labs and Dental Medicine Clinics
  • Webmaster for HPD Library 2009-2012: redesigned Fall 2010, reorganized site, currently responsible for maintenance and updates to web site
  • Currently coordinating a redesign of the website for HPD Library
  • Webmaster for HPD Library site in Shark Link (NSU intranet site)2009-2013
  • Chair, HPD Website Redesign Committee 2009-present
  • HPD Library Advisory Board 2009-present
  • HPD Student Library Advisory Board 2010-present
  • NSU Library Technology Committee 2009-present
  • NSU Academic Computing Committee, 2009-present
  • NSU Library Blackboard Committee, 2011-present
  • NSU Information Literacy Committee, 2009-present
  • NSU Reference Librarian Committee, 2010-present
  • NSU Web OPAC Committee, Vice-Chair 2011-present
  • Facilitator, NSU Libraries SACs Instruction and Assessment Committee, Fall 2011- present
  • Guest lecturer in Colleges of Optometry, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy
  • Presenter at College of Pharmacy Faculty Development Spring 2011, 2012
  • College Pharmacy Curriculum Committee, designed electronic Standardized Syllabi sub-committee: revised COP curriculum, helped committee present at the annual COP faculty retreat in Spring 2010, helped train in writing learning outcomes in Spring 2011
  • College of Pharmacy Educational Technology Task Force, Fall 2011-present
  • Served as an Adjudicator for COP Poster presentations Winter 2010, 2011, 2012
  • Authored  HPD Library columns in the HPD Beacon newsletter
  • Authored articles in Visionary newsletter for Optometry
  • Co-authored HPD Library poster for MLA Conference 2012
  • Presentations on medical mobile apps for HPD Education meetings
  • Presentation on HPD Research Day, Winter 2010, “Creating powerful PowerPoint presentations”
  • Created TP Twitters: instructional tidbits and library announcements
  • Added Mosio Text a Librarian and MEEBO chat services to HPD reference help Fall 2010
  • Added Lib Answers Winter 2011: converted statistics for reference to electronic format and added Librarian Chat reference tool
  • Compiled annual reference desk statistics for national reporting
  • Organized annual National Medical Librarians Month activities
  • Collaborated and restructured physical space; remodeled library instruction area at no cost to create new Information Commons /Help Desk area
  • Co-authored HPD Library Strategic Plan 2010 with the Executive Director
  • Presenter, numerous NSU Libraries Staff Development sessions including consumer health resources, writing learning outcomes, assessing instruction, how to apply for conference presentations

Assistant Library Director, Cottey College, Nevada, MO:            Jun. 2007-Sept. 2009

  • Restructured physical space; remodeled library instruction area at no cost to College to create new Information Commons
  • Webmaster, “Blanche Skiff Ross Memorial Library, Cottey College
  • Redesigned library web pages to better support academic curriculum and facilitate research, summer 2007
  • Revised Library Instruction program addressing varied learning styles and writing learning outcomes related to a liberal arts education and information literacy
  • Taught 93 instruction classes 2008-2009 (30% increase in number of library instruction sessions requested by faculty 2007-2008 and 89% increase in number of library instruction sessions requested by faculty 2006-2007)
  • Successfully embedded information literacy as a component in all English classes by partnering with the faculty to supplement their courses and custom tailoring all library instruction
  • Gate count statistics in Spring 2009 reflected a usage  increase of 370% as compared to Spring 2006 due to my liaison work with the faculty
  • Delivered a strategic combination of basic information literacy instruction building block sessions with one shot specific assignment sessions and subject specialized research classes
  • Provided outreach  library instruction for  Crowder College English classes and for two area high schools, Nevada and Bronaugh High Schools
  • Educational Technologist for faculty and staff: designed tutorials and gave individual instruction in using course management software, ANGEL, for hybrid and online classes
  • Initiated new E-Reserves program and created E-Reserves (Fall 2007) for Cottey Library: scanned materials, advised faculty regarding copyright, hybrid course design
  • Authored new Reserves, E-Reserves, Access, Intellectual Freedom, Laptop Computers, Copyright and  Privacy Policies for Cottey Library
  • Collection Development for all faculty acquisitions, serials, databases: resulted in upgrade from EBSCO Academic Search Elite to Premier, Spring 2008 and cancellations of duplicate formats and subscriptions to upgrade with a flat budget
  • Served campus as Copyright Librarian
  • Revised and updated  Library Collection Development Policy to accommodate change from Women’s Collection to Women’s Studies Collection
  • Provided Reference help via email, instant messaging, phone and face to face, increasing the face to face reference statistics by 80% from 2006 to 2007
  • Added MEEBO widget to Library “Ask a Librarian” web page
  • Collaborated with faculty to create diverse library displays
  • Created ANGEL group for Library Advisory Board
  • Created information literacy pre-assessment tool for first year students
  • Worked with college assessment officer to assess information literacy using the SAILS instrument every two years
  • Developed instruction guides for plagiarism and copyright for faculty and students
  • Created Cottey Library Student Handbook, Faculty Library Handbook, Crowder College Student Library Handbooks linked to Library home page
  • Served on Campus Technology Committee, 2007 to present: created technology policies and participated in campus technology acquisition decision making process
  • Library Advisory Board (and Library Strategic Planning Subcommittees), 2007 to present
  • Women’s History Month Committee, 2007 to present
  • Created, presented “Information Commons Series: Fall 2007, 2008” for staff and faculty professional development in technology
  • Instructor, “Step into the World: Italy” 1-semester hour credit class to prepare second year students for spring break European trip
  • Wiki technologist and instructor, Chronic Illness Research Group 
  • Partnered with Student Life and faculty to produce a Murder Mystery Night at the Library and created the murder mystery game using staff and faculty as “suspects,” Spring 2008, 2009
  • Used Murder Mystery as an informal assessment tool by creating a sequence of clues that reinforced and tested library skills
  • Organized Halloween campus outreach event at the Library with student organizations: 2007, 2008
  • Coordinated National Library Week events with student organizations and English department: 2008
  • Cultivated partnership with Nevada Public Library to provide technology assistance with their library catalog software conversion
  • Team taught peer listener group class on “Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism” with the Assistant Dean of the Faculty, 2007 and 2008
  • Served as Woman Leader mentor to students enrolled in the Cottey Leadership program, LEO
  • Search Committee: Vice-President of Academic Affairs, Dean of Faculty, 2009 resulting in hire of new VPAA in May 2009
  • Served on ad hoc committees to create a Cottey You Tube Channel (CotteyEDU) and to hire an outside firm for the college web site
  • Vacation College instructor: technology classes 2007, 2008- “Web Expertise: Brave New World” and “Flyers, Newsletters and PowerPoint Presentations: Are You Wired” for senior citizens
  • Collaborated with library staff to create online training materials for student workers and new staff
  • Worked with Director to hire a more diversified student worker staff
  • Supervised 3 library assistants, 12 student workers
  • Presented library tours to alumnae, donors, prospective students



                            Adjunct Professor, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, TX:  Jan. 2006-May 2007

  • Taught upper-level music history
  • Taught studio clarinet lessons, master classes
  • Assisted band directors in section rehearsals
  • Designed and published a web site for the Tarleton State University clarinet studio
  • Social Networking administrator for clarinet studio
  • Promoted addition of two online music databases for university library (Grove Music online, Classical Music Library)

                                Practicum, Texas Christian University Music/Media Library:                       Fall 2006

  • Supervised 8 student workers in library and media lab
  • Assisted with Collection Development for Music Education materials
  • Selected gift LPs in a selection and  weeding project for donated sound recordings
  • Produced a collection development project which recommended new instrumental music education print resources
  • Digitized LP sound recordings
  • Evaluated damaged books for repair or reorder due to water leak
  • Assisted patrons with reference questions
  • Assisted Library Director with organizing annual Halloween party for library staff

Music Librarian, Youth Orchestra of Greater Fort Worth:           Fall 2006-Jun. 2007

  • Reorganized library policies and procedures  to address copyright issues
  • Updated cataloging system
  • Catalogued collection
  • Reorganized collection, managed collection development for 4 orchestras
  • Wrote bowings for elementary orchestra
  • Assisted Conductors, Youth Orchestra Manager with planning, programming

Private Instructor, Clarinet, Fort Worth, Dallas, Corpus Christi, TX:     1975-Jun. 2007

                                            -      Placed over 35 clarinet students in Texas All-State groups

                                            -      Texas Music Education Association 5a Clarinet Adjudicator panel

                                            -      Student bands won State Honor Band and Marching Band competitions

Music Librarian, Aspen Music Festival and School: Summers 2004, 2005, 2006

  • Manager, Student Orchestra library: multicultural work-study staff
  • Supervised 1 music librarian, 12 student workers
  • Librarian: Aspen Sinfonia, July 4th Band, 2 operas, Wind Ensemble
  • Worked collaboratively with international artists and conductors
  • Trained American Symphony League Fellow each summer.
  • Trained entry level librarian each summer
  • Trainee librarians currently hold music librarian positions at the Charleston Symphony Orchestra, Curtis Institute and the Joanne Kane rental library.
  • Also performed in Aspen Camarata (recordings played frequently on NPR)

Instrumental Music Graduate Assistant, Texas Christian University          2000-2002

  • Taught woodwind music education classes, clarinet master classes
  • Served as Librarian for Wind Ensemble, Symphonic and Concert Bands
  • Directed basketball band, assisted directors for concert and marching band
  • Principal clarinet: TCU Symphony Orchestra and TCU Wind Ensemble

Music Librarian, Buccaneer Days Pageant Orchestra:                                  1994-2000

  • Co-directed and contracted this orchestra for community debutante pageant
  • Managed and supervised Pageant Orchestra staff
  • Worked with pageant coordinators to coordinate music to presentation
  • Organized personnel hiring and authored contracts

Music Librarian, Corpus Christi Symphony Orchestra:                               1994-2000

  • Also performed as assistant and associate principal clarinet: 1991- 2000
  • Stepped in to help ill librarian in early season, 1994
  • Managed collection development
  • Worked closely with conductors and publisher rental libraries
  • Prepared and distributed music for performance

Band Director, King High School (5A) Corpus Christi, TX:                         1997-2000

  • Head of Department of Music, supervised choir and orchestra directors
  • Supervised cluster of 3 feeder middle school programs
  • First woman head band director of a 5A school in South Texas
  • Arranged marching band music, wrote drill for halftime shows
  • Authored and organized team-teaching model for CCISD instrumental music education
  • Supervised 2 assistant band directors, 3 student teachers,
  • Managed 3 assistant middle school directors and team taught in their programs
  • Reorganized and cataloged music library of over 1200 titles
  • Organized pep basketball band for Texas A and M- Corpus Christi games
  • Coordinated 7 area bands and drill teams, over 1500 high school students, in annual Buccaneer Days Show and Parade
  • Worked with Buccaneer Days Commissioners to improve safety for parade participants

Band Director, Calallen High School (4A), Corpus Christi, TX:                   1996-1997

  • Assistant director at both middle and high school
  • Conducted concert band, which earned its first Sweepstakes since 1967
  • Reorganized music library

Band Director, Carroll High School (5A), Corpus Christi, TX:                    1991-1996

  • Itinerant director at high school and 3 feeder middle schools
  • Authored first mass band performance at Buccaneer Days since 1960
  • Organized largest chamber ensemble program in CCISD, winning over 250 awards at the State Solo and Ensemble Competition in Austin, TX
  • Designed job description for CCISD itinerant directors




Associations:                       American Library Association

- ACRL Standards Revision Task Force 2018-2021: “ACRL Standards for Faculty Status” and “A Guideline for the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure of Academic Librarians”

- ACRL (Association of College Research Libraries) Instruction Section, ACRL/IS Standards for Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians & Coordinators Revision Task Force 2014-2017 – Roles and Strengths of Teaching Librarians in Higher Education, adopted April 2017 by ACRL Executive Board

-ACRL (Association of College Research Libraries) Instruction Section, ACRL/IS Standards for Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians & Coordinators Revision and Implementation Task Force 2010-2014

-ACRL IS Section Web Site Design Implementation Taskforce, Feb. 2008- 2010

-New Members Round Table Mentoring Program 2008

-HSIG, Program Committee, 2011-2012, 2013-2014

                                                Medical Library Association

-2013 Program Chair for 2013 Boston MLA Convention and Meeting, Pharmacy and Drug Information Section, 2011-2013

                                               South Central Chapter-Medical Library Association

                                           Southern Chapter-Medical Library Association

                                                         -Chair, Bylaws Committee, 2013-2014

Florida Health Sciences Library Association

                                                                -Strategic Planning Committee 2010-2013, 2013-2014

Florida Library Association

                                           Miami Health Sciences Library Consortium

                                                                -Webmaster, 2009-2013 (included web site redesign, 2010)

                                                Missouri Library Association

                                                                -Past-Chair of M-ACRL Division 2010

-Chair of M-ACRL Division 2009

                                                                -Vice-Chair of M-ACRL Division 2008

                                                                -Blogger: MLA Annual Conference 2007

                                                                -MLA Technology Committee

                                                MOBIUS consortium

                                                                -SWAN Circulation Committee 2007to present

                                                Texas Library Association

                                                                -Co-Section Editor (Business and Economics) for TRSOnline

                                                                  Mar. 2007- 2020

                                                Texas Music Library Association

                                                TWU Graduate Library and Information Studies Association

                                                Texas Music Educators Association

Honors and Awards:

  • ACC Faculty Leader of the Year Award 2023
  • ACC League Excellence Award 2023
  • ACC Student Life Champion Award Nominee 2023
  • ACC Riverbats Employee Excellence Award, Elgin Campus, Spring 2014, Fall 2019, Fall 2021, Fall 2022
  • ACC Riverbats Employee Bravo Award, Elgin Campus, May 2014 Fall 2019, Fall 2021, Fall 2022
  • ACRL CJCLS Community College Learning Library Program Achievement Award 2016 for Austin Community College (ACC) Library Services Information Literacy Tutorials project, ACC Information Literacy Team
  • ACC Global Learning Partner, ACC Global Learning Institute in Continuing Education, Winter 2015
  • Cottey College Academic Affairs staff Perfect Attendance award, 2008 and 2009
  • Beta Phi Mu library and information school honorary, 2006, Texas Woman’s University
  • Represented United States in Clarinette Solo de Concours 2003Paris
  • Pi Kappa Lambda music honorary 2002, Texas Christian University
  • Principal clarinet, Texas Christian University Symphony Orchestra (“Best classical performance”- Fort Worth Star Telegram 2002)
  • Honorary member, Tau Beta Sigma: band service sorority 2001, Texas Christian University
  • Performed for Pope John Paul II at Wednesday public audience twice: resulted in private audience
  • Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers 1996, 1997
  • Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities 1980, Southern Methodist University
  • Tanglewood performer, 1978 (Boston Symphony Orchestra summer program)
  • Dean’s List 1975-1980, Southern Methodist University
  • MENC student advisory board, 1978-1980, Southern Methodist University
  • Dean’s student advisory board,  1977-1980, Southern Methodist University
  • Vice-President, Mu Phi Epsilon music honorary, 1976-1980, Southern Methodist University

Presentations and Publications:

  • Author/Editor, “Book Reviews” chapter, Magazines for Libraries 33rd ed., ProQuest, 2024
  • Presenter, "Intro to Digital Tools for Research, Teaching, and Scholarship." TLED Spring Development Day, 2023.
  • Presenter, “Active Learning for Entry Level Chemistry Student Research,” STEM Librarians South, 2022.
  • Author/Editor, “Book Reviews” chapter, Magazines for Libraries 31st ed., ProQuest, 2022
  • Presenter, "Using Embedded Library Services to Empower Your Students." TLED Spring Development Day, January 2022.
  • Co-Presenter, "A Teaching and Learning Academy For Faculty By Faculty," ITLC Lilly Conference, May 2021 YouTube
  • Co-Presenter, "A Teaching and Learning Academy For Faculty By Faculty," Innovations Conference, League for Innovations in Community Colleges, March 2021
  • Presenter, "Universal Design and Accessibility: A Checklist for LibGuides and Online Tutorials, "Brick & Click Academic Library Conference, November 2020
  • Presenter, "Building a Teaching Strategy Toolkit to Engage Learners, Brick & Click Academic Library Conference, November 2020
  • Peer Reviewer - Codex: the Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL, Fall 2020
  • Peer Reviewer - Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Summer 2020
  • Peer Reviewer - Codex: the Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL, Summer 2020
  • Presenter, "Active Learning and Blackboard Collaborate," ACC LS August 2020.
  • Presenter, "Library Resources: Introduction to Virtual Services and Resources," TLED Remote Recess, July 2020.
  • Panel Member, "TLED Panel of Experts", Summer Software Day July 2020.
  • Peer Reviewer, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Sage, June 2020.
  • Peer Reviewer, Codex, Louisiana ACRL Chapter publication, April 2020.
  • Presenter, "Library Resources: Introduction to Virtual Services and Resources," TLED Remote Recess, April 2020.
  • Author/Editor, “Book Reviews” chapter, Magazines for Libraries 29th ed., ProQuest, 2020
  • Module Developer, “Assessing your teaching and designing improvements using course outcome data,” Course 4 Module 4, ACC TLED Teaching and Learning Academy, January 2020.
  • Presenter, “Research is iterative: Go fish for topic development.” GAAILS 2020, Austin Community College.
  • Live Webcast for Texas Chapter - Special Libraries  Conference, "Active and Engaged Learning for Science Information Literacy Sessions in Undergraduate Higher Education," October 2019.
  • Author Embedded and Empowered: A Practical Guide for Librarians. (Book, 2019). Rowman and Littlefield.
  • ACRL Webcast: “Active and Engaged Learning for Science Information Literacy Sessions in Higher Education”, ACRL Virtual Conference 2019
  • “Active and Engaged Teaching.” ACRL STS Information Literacy Committee Chat, April 2018..
  • Co-Author, “Roles and Strengths of Teaching Librarians.” ACRL Standards and Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians and Coordinators Revision Task Force, 2017
  • Co-Author, “Metacognition and Next-Gen Learning Models.” Innovation Abstracts vol. 39, no. 14, 20 Apr. 2017
  • Co-Author, “Building a Service Learning – Instruction Apprentice Program: Charting New Paths to Student Success and Early Career Transformations,” Poster Presentation ACRL Conference, Mar. 2017
  • Author, Library Professional Development Blog Sept. 2012-present
  • Co-Presenter, “Meta-cognition and NextGen Learning Models: Meeting Student Success and Engagement Goals Through Online Information Literacy,” NISOD International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence, May 2016
  • “Embedded Librarianship” course, Library Juice Academy, May 2016
  • MLA CE (6 hours) class for Rochester Regional Library Council, April 2016, “Embedded and Empowered: Making a Difference with Embedded Librarianship”
  • MLA CE (6 hours) class for Midwest Chapter / MLA, Louisville, KY, Oct. 2015, “Embedded and Empowered: Making a Difference with Embedded Librarianship”
  • Poster, “Revitalizing the ACRL Standards for Proficiencies: Evolving Expertise for Instruction Librarians.” ACRL/IS Standards for Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians & Coordinators Revision Implementation Task Force, ALA Annual, June 2015
  • MLA CE class for LILRC, “Embedded and Empowered: Making a Difference with Embedded Librarianship.” May 2015
  • Library Juice Academy 4 week online course, “Embedded Librarianship.” March 2015
  • SCRLC/ACRL NY: 2-part webinar, “Embedded and Empowered: Making a Difference with Embedded Librarianship.” Apr.2015
  • Published Paper: Creating an Information Literacy Badges Program in Blackboard: A Formative Program Evaluation” Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning 9(1-2):157-169, Jan. 2015
  • MLA CE class for CLRC, “Embedded and Empowered: Making a Difference with Embedded Librarianship.” July 2014
  • MLA CE class for HSLANJ, “Embedded and Empowered: Making a Difference with Embedded Librarianship.” June 2014
  • Paper Presentation, “Creating an Information Literacy Badges Program in Blackboard: A Formative Program Evaluation.” 16th Distance Learning Services Conference, April 2014
  • Poster: “Innovative Mobile Health Literacy Instruction” MLA Conference, May 2013
  • Mobile Apps Panel, FHSLA Conference, April 2013
  • Library Juice Academy 4 week online course, “Embedded Librarianship.” Feb. 2013
  • Poster: “The iPad Initiative” MLA Conference, May 2012
  • Presentation: “Mobile Apps for Higher Education.” Handheld Librarian VI, Feb. 2012
  • Presentation: “Creating more Powerful PowerPoint Presentations.” HPD Research Day, Feb. 2010
  • Articles for HPD Beacon: “Sources for Courses”, “Medical Mobile Apps”, “HPD Liaison Librarians” 2009-present
  • Article for Missouri Library Association newsletter: “LA Instruction Section: Web Site Redesign.” MO Info, M-ACRL Division News, March 2009
  • Presentation: “Host a Murder Mystery at Your Library as an Informal Information Literacy Assessment.” Missouri Library Association Conference Oct. 2, 2008

Professional Skills:

  • Over 17 years academic librarian experience
  • 14 years music librarian experience
  • 28 years managerial/supervisory experience
  • 47 years instructional experience
  • Website usability evaluation and design
  • Reading knowledge: German, French, Italian, Spanish


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