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Early College High School/Dual Credit-High School Librarians and the ACC Library: ACC Databases

This is a guide to ACC library resources for High School librarians who serve students also taking classes at Austin Community College.

ACC Library Databases

ECHS/DC students can access all of our ACC Databases using their ACC eID and password, whether they are at their high school, at home, on an ACC campus, or anywhere else with internet access. The databases can be accessed via a button on the library home page beneath the search bar that reads, "A-Z List of All Databases." Databases can also be browsed by subject. ACC credentials are needed to actually reach these databases and search through them, but the list and descriptions are accessible to anyone.

Many of these are TexShare databases, which students may already be able to access from your high school library website. ACC also subscribes to many databases not included in TexShare.

Non-TexShare Databases

You are likely already familiar with the Texshare databases. ACC subscribes to many additional databases, which all our students and faculty have access to, and may be helpful for coursework. Here are a few of our favorite non-Texshare databases that may prove useful when dual credit students come to you with research questions for ACC courses:

Troubleshooting Access to ACC Databases

Firewalls: If students with valid ACCeIDs are having trouble accessing ACC Library databases from your high school library or computer lab -- this is often the result of local firewalls on your ISD network. 

Should this happen, please refer ACC students to an ACC Librarian for quick assistance in locating the materials they need: Ask a Librarian

Additionally - you may need to work with your school's network administrator to resolve the connection problem. Students may also contact the ACC Help Desk if they have questions about their ACCeID, or about logging into the ACC proxy server.

If trying to connect to an ACC database gives an error that states that your connection is not private or secure, here is a page that will help with bypassing security certificate errors.

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