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The App ACCelerator: Austin Can Code: Home

The App ACCelerator: Austin Can Code

Become an app developer for the iPhone, Apple computers and other iOS devices by enrolling in Austin Community Collegs's App ACCelerator Program. You will learn to develop using Apple's Swift programming language and X-code. Over the course of your study, you will write a series of programs of increasing complexity, gain familiarity with the development environment and learn the components of a well-designed and well-engineered iOs program. Apply Now or Request Info.


App Accelerator: Austin Can Code

Partnering with Apple Computer, ACC will be offering an app development program that will prepare students for entry level jobs as Swift App Developers. Apple Swift has become one of the world’s most popular programming languages and has been used by Airbnb, Lyft, LinkedIn, Eventbrite and many other businesses to create robust, fast apps. Students will learn to code and design fully functional apps, as well as acquire critical job skills in software product design and development.


Build a Future in Fields that Build the Future

With technology impacting nearly every aspect of our lives, it’s not surprising that computer and information technology occupations are one of Texas’s fastest-growing job sectors. Austin Community College’s Computer Science and Information Technology Area of Study gets you ready to compete for exciting, high-paying careers in nearly any segment of the industry. Develop games. Secure networks. Whatever you dream of doing in tech, do it first at ACC.


Applications Development - Coding and Design (Computer Science and IT at ACC)

Austin Can Code

ACC launches Apple app development program

Austin Community College offers the App ACCelerator Program to give you cutting-edge skills to develop apps with Swift programming language.

The App ACCelerator is for coders at all experience levels, from beginner to advanced. You will be introduced to Swift, the basic framework for Apple application development, and develop Apple apps with Swift using X-Code.


Starting Now:
Sign up for non-credit classes offered the ACC Continuing Education Division.

Proposed for Fall 2018:
A credit program is proposed for fall 2018, with Swift programming credit classes that count toward a certificate and/or degree.


Request Info: Call 512-223-CODE

Continuing Education Courses

Intro to Swift: Basic proficiency in building apps with Swift (90 hours).


App Development with Swift 1: Developing Apple applications with Swift language using X-Code as a development tool (90 hours).

App Development with Swift 2: Advanced applications using Swift and X-Code as the development tool (90 hours). 

Faculty Librarian / Assistant Professor

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Alexander Speetzen
Faculty Librarian / Assistant Professor
Highland Campus
6101 Airport Blvd.
Austin, TX 78752

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