What is the "App ACCelerator: Austin Can Code"?
ACC offers the program in partnership with Apple, using their curriculum to prepare students for entry level jobs as an app developer using Swift, one of the world’s most popular programming languages. Students learn to code and design fully functional apps, gaining critical job skills in software product design and development of emerging information technologies.
What courses are in the program?
The program initially consists of the following courses (additional courses are being planned and will be added when available):
(a) Intro to Swift (~90 hours of student work time). This is a “non-majors” course and is recommended for designers (and others) who want to acquire/enhance app development skills without the time investment required by more comprehensive coverage of computer science concepts.
(b) App Development with Swift, Part 1 (~90 hours of student work time). This course is part one of a “majors” course and includes more comprehensive coverage of applied computer science concepts.
(c) App Development with Swift, Part 2 (~90 hours of student work time). This course is part two of a “majors” course and includes more comprehensive coverage of applied computer science concepts.
How can I get more information?
Call 512-223-CODE.