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This guide will provide you with resources and research strategies for the Social Justice Research Project in Professor Pamela Askew's EDUC 1300 (Spring 2024).


This class guide for Professor Pamela Askew's EDUC 1300 (Spring 2023) will provide you with resources, research strategies, and tips to help you explore social justice topics for your assignment.

Perspectives: Social Justice Research Project Instructions

Perspectives Social Justice Research Project

Point Value: 200-point assignment (Research Paper: 180 pts., Adobe Poster: 20 pts.)

Introduction: In Chapter 7, we address Critical & Creative Thinking. Critical Thinking is defined as clear, reasonable, and reflective thinking focused on what to believe or do. For this assignment, you will complete a research project. It consists of 2 components, Part 1: a research paper and Part 2: Creation of an Adobe poster that meets the guidelines.

Instructions: Within the chapter, we also address how to evaluate information. In this assignment, you are provided 8 social justice topics. Each topic has 10 questions. You are to select one topic to evaluate, and discuss using the 10 questions as a foundation for your research. 

You are provided two resources, that will be in the form of an article and a video or podcast; that provide background information regarding the topic. In addition to the resources provided for you, you are to identify and include 2 additional resources of your own that support your position. Both of the resources utilized need to be from ACC Library Databases. (See Finding Sources for recommended databases or the library's A-Z List of Databases).

Allowable Resources:

  • Books or eBooks (chapters or excerpts)
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers
  • Academic Journals
  • Specialized encyclopedias/reference works
  • Podcasts

All have to be from reputable sources. View how to identify reputable sources using the CRAAP test and the accompanying video within your Chapter 7 content.


  • Create a 750-1000 (3-4 pages) word typed paper .
  • Double-spaced
  • Times New Roman, 12 point font
  • Review: grammar, punctuation and spelling. No text speak. No lowercase “i.”
  • Include a word count at the bottom of the last page.
  • Include a works cited page in MLA citation format. The works cited page is not included in the word count.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is social justice and why is it important?

A: The objective of "creating a fair distribution of wealth and opportunities within a society" ("Social Justice").

In EDUC 1300, one of our General Education Student Learning Outcomes is Social Responsibility: Analyze differences and commonalities among peoples, ideas, aesthetic traditions, and cultural practices to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities.

"Social Justice." Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. 10th ed. 2020. Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, Accessed 22 Nov. 2021.

Q: What does it mean to “use the 10 questions as a foundation for your research?”

A: Ten questions are provided in order to give you foundational information regarding the topic, as well as provide questions, that evoke critical thinking about the subject matter.

Q. Do I have to answer all 10 questions? 

A. Yes, all 10 questions need to be addressed within your paper. DO NOT simply number your paper and answer the questions. You are to craft a paper around the questions and around your position, and research regarding the subject that you have chosen.

Q: I'm not that familiar with the library. How do I find articles, books or peer reviewed journals?


A: This Class Guide was prepared to support your research. Please see the Finding Sources page for a series of short instructional videos by Librarian Dave Wilson to guide you through the research process. You will also find links to the most helpful Library Databases for this assignment. 

In addition, ACC has expert reference librarians that are available to assist you. 

  • Campus Libraries have reopened for in-person assistance. Hours of operation vary by campus, so please check the Hours/Locations page before visiting.
  • Get help from a librarian 24/7 by Live Chat. Or try Zoom a Librarian, by appointment. See the Get Help page for all of our options.

Q: What if my opinion is unpopular?

A: The content of your work is graded on if it meets the requirements of the assignment. See rubric (below).

Dave Wilson

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Dave Wilson
Faculty Librarian / Professor
Rio Grande Campus Library
1212 Rio Grande St.
Austin, TX 78701

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