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Great Questions Seminar - HUMA 1301 - Making Connections Assignment: Home

This guide is designed to help students enrolled in the Great Questions Seminar (HUMA 1301) to complete their required research assignment.

Making Connections Assignment Instructions

** Overview **

The Odyssey reflects many facets of our humanity;  however other great works throughout history also deal with recurring human concerns. This assignment allows students to explore great works from different cultures throughout history and discuss their relevance and impact.

For Making Connections assignments you will:

(1) explore a list of great works that humans have created

(2) select a work that interests you

(3) conduct research to learn about the work and the culture that created it

(4) present your research to the class and participate in a class discussion of how your research relates to course materials and previous discussions.  


** Instructions **

Please check the syllabus for “Making Connection” due dates. Each “Making Connections” (MC) assignment has three stages:


(1) Sign up for a topic.

Review the list of approved topics for each MC by browsing the Topic List and identify at least three selections that stand out to you. Research them online and choose one to present to class. If you have troubles finding a topic, your professor and/or a reference librarian can be helpful at this stage.


Sign up for your topic through your professor. Duplicate topics are discouraged.


The topic list is not static. We will be adding to it as we explore and research history every semester. If you have a suggestion for an item that is not included, please feel free to propose it to your professor.

(2) Once you are signed up for a topic, go to an ACC Library and meet with a reference librarian.

Working with the librarian, and using only resources available through the library or free online resources the librarian suggests, prepare answers to questions 1-8, under section “The Questions” below.

(3) Complete the Making Connections worksheet and prepare your Google Slide.

Please refer to the Making Connections worksheet on Blackboard for completing the assignment and bring it with you to refer to during the discussion. Your answers should be in your own words, but you should also track all sources used and credit them where necessary.  You will also be making a Google Slide to share your item with the class. You will provide an image of the item and museum description (Example: Name, Artist, Year, Material, Location...information may vary depending on type of art chosen) The link for the class Google Slide Presentation is on Blackboard.   


** The Questions **

I. General Information on the work:

1. What is the name of the work?

2. What time period is it from?

3. Where was it created?

4. Who created it (and/or commissioned it)? (if known)

5. What genre and/or medium was the work? (i.e. Poetry, Philosophy, Theater, Architecture, Sculpture, etc.)

II. Making Connections:

6. Describe the work in a paragraph of 3 to 5 sentences. For example, if it is a written work, what is its basic storyline? If it is another kind of work like a sculpture or building, describe its physical attributes (what is it made out of, what does it look like, does it tell a story?).

7. To whom was this important or significant when it was created? Another way to think about this is to consider what its purpose was at the time, who would have known about it, enjoyed it (or not), what meaning it would have had individually or culturally, or similar lines of inquiry.

8. What are some human values, ideas, or themes that came to mind as you learned about this work? These values or ideas can be directly embedded in the work (for example, motifs of heroism, love, or the relationship between mortals and gods) or implied by the work (for example, the strength of empire, the significance of tributes, or immortality, just to name a few.)

III. Library Resources

Prepare a list of library resources that you consulted to complete this assignment. Format this list in MLA format. Note that any librarian or writing tutor can assist with this if you are unfamiliar with MLA.


Meet with a Librarian

Ways to meet with a librarian: 

Search the Library Catalog

Search for Library Resources.
Type the keyword(s) in the box below then press Enter or click the Search button.



Subject Librarians

Here are some humanities related subject guides which you may find useful in completing your research.

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Alexander Speetzen
Faculty Librarian / Assistant Professor
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