I may be reached at the South Austin Campus during these regular office hours:
Monday - Friday 7:00 - 4:00
Call for an appointment as hours are subject to change.
Or, by email: toyya.cisneros@austincc.edu
Toyya has been working in the field of education and librarianship for over 30 years. She has taught in public schools in Texas and international schools in the Middle East. She has managed school, academic, and military libraries since 2005. Please allow Toyya to utilize her experience and knowledge to help you with your research needs.
As with all ACC Faculty Librarians, we are eager and ready to help you with locating resources in the library, navigating the databases, or using reference materials. Please do not hesitate to "ask a librarian" in person, by telephone, or via online chat. Someone is available 24/7 to answer your questions.
TransformED is a year-long research initiative and plan to anticipate the evolution and future impact of change across diverse academic and student affairs areas at Austin Community College District (ACC).
Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning Advisory Group
Faculty Center Advisory Group is a collaborative effort of faculty members who guide all aspects of the ACC Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning. The membership is made up of a diverse group of adjunct and full time educators, representing workforce and academic departments as well as counselors and librarians.
ALA accredited Master of Science degree from University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Bachelor of Science in Academic Studies from Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
Associate of Arts from Navarro College, Corsicana, TX