A search of TXLA.org with "value" or "value" and a type of library such as "public libraries" or "school libraries" yields a variety of sources from TLA committees, content from the Texas Association of School Librarians with Texas content and links to national content. In addition, accessing "Advocacy" links to a ROI Texas study, a Values Toolkit, OCLC and Pew content on value and an article on the value of TexShare databases.
"Research & Statistics" provides links to general data about libraries and by type of library (academic, public, school and special) zs well as Texas and comparison data to national data and public opinion data.
The American Library Association has a variety of resources on value that include general value and value by type of library, type of service and type of resoources. This content is basic and provides anecdotal and subjective data such as Libraries: An American Value, The Value of Libraries, Libraries Matter: Impact Research, as well as specific to type of library (Academic Libraries, Public Libraries, School Libraries and Special Libraries.)
In addition to content being accessible on the ALA website, the ALA-driven "I Love Libraries" includes author testimonials on library value (John Grisham on the Value of Libraries and Librarians), excellent comparison data historical in nature as well as classic articles such as Are School Libraries Expendable? and dozens more.
ALA's Allied Professionals Association focuses on library employees and salary standards and equity. Library Worklife, the ALA/APA newletter includes a variety of artilces identifying librarian roles and responsibiliites.
These examples - no matter how general - are at the heart of both the ease and difficulty of value and determining value. That is, the concept of value is NOT a one-time-only or short term concept. Instead, value is and should be carefully tracked along with criteria for determining value and should be carefully managed to provide required baseline information as well as ongoing updating and changes in value. In addition, the value or worth of areas, items, activities, services, people and expertise, etc. should be accumulated, measured against standards of excellence and used for best practices and measuring for not only expert ways of assessing value but also comparing and contrasting and articulating value.
As with any topic there are resources we shouldn't miss as well as resources we should "begin with." In preparing our own value content - of course - we begin with ourselves:
"Don't miss" resources include (and in recommended order):
Abram. "Value of Libraries Megapost." Stephen's Lighthouse. 2005 - (dozens, but missing some LRS, U.S. federal, Webjunction AND has other megaposts by type of library)
ACRL. Value of Academic Libraries. Blog. 2014 - (no membership required)
with categories
ALA. Advocacy University. Value of Libraries. n.d. (mix of value data)
Assessment Committee. Value of Academic Libraries Toolkit. 2010.
Gross, Valerie. J. Moving Up to First Class: Libraries = Education. Public Libraries. July/August. 2015.
NLM. The Value of Library and Information Services in Patient Care Study. 2013+
Oakleaf. The Value of Academic Libraries. ACRL. 2010.
SLA. "Research." 1990 -
ARL. Library Assessment. Blog. 2014 - (membership required)
There are a number of excellent, relatively new web environments designed by data aggregators and researchers to compile information to assist in the illustration of value. These sites include both general and specific data as well as:
ALA. Center for the Future of Libraries. 2014 - (See "Blog," "Trends," and "Recent Articles." and watch for "Trends" entries to have features illustrating each trend.)