Welcome to the Astronomy guide! Use the tabs above to navigate through the different sections of this guide. Related subject guides include:
The tabs above detail different types of resources listed below:
Books |
You can find a good selection of Astronomy books in our book collection. A book can provide detailed background and in-depth historical information about any given topic. |
Reference Books |
Encyclopedias, atlases, and other resources that are referred to for specific information. Go to these for definitions, shorter explanations, historical and biographical sketches. |
Articles |
Articles from journals, magazines, and major newspapers are among the most current sources of information on astronomy. ACC databases can help connect you to these articles. |
Web Sites |
The internet can provide a wealth of information, especially from government sources and professional organizations. |
Updates on what is new in astronomy from the web.
Gale Interactive Science
Millions of full-text articles that include national and global publications, 200+ science experiments, 300+ interactive simulations, and other multimedia covering biology, chemistry, earth and environmental science, physics, and more.
View popular magazines including Consumer Reports, Essence, Forbes, People, Vogue and more via this digital newsstand. Specific to astronomy, full text articles and images from Sky & Telescope are featured here. More information can be found at the Flipster Guide.
Contains more than 18,000 streaming videos, including dozens of lectures and films about astronomy.
Science & Technology Collection
Articles and streaming video from leading journals covering relevant aspects of the scientific and technical community.