Despite concerns of a recession in the national discourse, some of Austin’s leading voices on economics and demographics remain confident that the Sun Belt tech hub will be able to weather any such storm.
Instead, what troubles them most are the worsening challenges such as a steep and rising cost of living and a corresponding shrinking middle class.
This article investigates the question: How can researchers categorize students' occupational outcomes in terms of engineering in a manner that enables consistency across future studies and that is informed by enduring conceptions of engineering work.
One facet of motivation relevant to students' learning is their perceptions of the future, including future career goals and how those perceptions influence their present actions; this is collectively referred to as their future time perspective (FTP). This study describes the different FTPs of engineering students.
Since this journal launched in March 1996, biotech has become a US economic powerhouse. To reach its full potential over the next 25 years, touching all corners of the globe, it must become more inclusive.
The concluding article of this engineering leadership (EL) development sourcebook looks to the future of the field by exploring four key purposes of EL education: the pursuit of knowledge, personal growth, professional preparation and social transformation.