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Spring '24 - EDUC 1100 - Harris - by Kara Dixon: Procrastination & Time Management

Library Resources on Time Management & Procrastination

Quick Tips

Quick Tips to Cure Procrastination

  1. Break your task up into small, manageable steps. For example, planning to sit down for five hours to write your entire paper may be overwhelming and it's easy to become distracted.  Break up the goal into multiple tasks that can be completed in 20-30 minutes, each!
  2. Don't be afraid to ask for help.  Your Professors, your Academic Coaches, your Teaching Assistants, your Librarians...we all exist at ACC FOR YOU!  If you need help or support, don't hesitate to ask for it.  The sooner, the better!
  3. Reward yourself for completing a task.  Keep yourself motivated with personal rewards when you reach a goal or complete a task.  For example, "After I spend 25 minutes writing my thesis, I'll treat myself to my favorite TV show."
  4. Use tools to keep you organized.  Set reminders on your phone, use a calendar or download one of many focus-oriented apps to help you stay organized. 
  5. Be deliberate with your study environment!  Is it hard to focus at home?  Find a place with minimal distractions to help you "get into the zone." (Like the library!)  If you can't avoid a noisy environment, try earplugs or at least putting your phone on silent or airplane mode to limit digital distractions.  

Tips to Avoid Procrastination

Tips to avoid procrastination: 1. Break up your goals into small, manageable tasks.  2. Don't be afraid to ask for help!  3. Reward yourself for completing a task.  4. Minimize distractions and choose your study environment wisely.  5. Use tools to stay organized.

If you need more help, contact ACC's Academic Coaches!

Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator

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