(an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services) The site has resources about diseases, conditions, and other special topics arranged by Life Stages & Specific Populations and categories like Travelers' Health.
The United States government site about flu. It covers everything individuals AND professionals might need to know. Includes signs and pamphlets to download.
Need information as you determine what to do about your symptoms? Click the part that hurts, and up pops a list of symptoms. Tips help with the diagnosis and tell you when to visit a real doctor.
learn how to take health care into your own hands. Excellent and reliable government website covering health insurance and the new health laws in the United States. It's a good starting place to get your questions answered.
Huge source of health information: encyclopedia articles on most health conditions and diseases, recent health news articles, methods to find local doctors and tools to keep track of one's own health. Full site in Spanish also.
Healthy People 2020 is a statement of national health objectives designed to identify the most significant preventable threats to health and to establish national goals to reduce these threats.
Articles, videos and podcasts on a amazing variety of health topics. Take a look for you are sure to find something interesting. One good section covers comparisons of medical treatments while another covers navigating the health care systems.