Here are the best places to start:
How do I access these resources?
How do I use these resources?
Is life getting in the way of your goals for student success?
ACC Library Services is your one stop shop for all your research needs:
ACC Learning Labs help you organize and write your papers:
Need to start from scratch? The ACC Developmental Writing Department hosts writing workshops, provides links to online resources, and has an online tutorial to help students with their writing skills.
I am supposed to only use peer-reviewed or scholarly journals for my research paper- what are they and how do I find them?
FREE Online Tutoring through ACC Learning Labs is available for enrolled Austin Community College (ACC) students.
In addition, ACC students are eligible for 5 hours of free online tutoring services each semester through Upswing - look for the Upswing link in Blackboard.
Effective August 1, 2024, Microsoft has discontinued free desktop downloads of Office 365 due to new storage limitations.
What does this mean?
Need Help?
If you find outdated information on our ACC website, please email
What if I don't have a computer or Microsoft Office?
What do I do if I need to reset my MS 365 password or my account has expired?