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ACC Library Services
TLA Building a Community
Module 2: Developing Inclusive Course Materials
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TLA Building a Community: Module 2: Developing Inclusive Course Materials
Course Description
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Module 1: Setting the Tone of the Classroom
Module 2: Developing Inclusive Course Materials
Module 3: Culturally Responsive Teaching
Module 4: The Democratized Classroom
Course Resources
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Setting the Tone of the Classroom
Developing Inclusive Course Materials
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Teaching with an Equity Lens
Developing Inclusive Course Materials: Using Universal Design Principles
Faculty Module Developer
Dr. Shih-Ting Lee
Adjunct Professor
Student Development
Want More Information about Universal Design?
Alepa, A. (2022) Captioning and Transcription for Higher Education. 3PlayMedia.
Boothe, K.A., Lohmann, M.J.; Donnell, K.A.; Hall, D.D. (2018). Applying the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the college classroom. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship, 7(3).
Burgstahler, B. (2019). Equal access: Universal design of instruction - A checklist for inclusive teaching. DO-IT.
Couillard, E., and Higbee, J. L. (2018). Expanding the scope of Universal Design: Implications for gender identity and sexual orientation.Education Sciences, 8
Gronseth, S. (2018). Inclusive design for online and blended courses: Connecting web content accessibility guidelines and Universal Design for learning. Educational Renaissance, 7,14-22.
Joines, S. (2009). Enhancing quality of life through Universal Design. NeuroRehabilitation, 25(3), 155–167.
Pionke, J. J. (2017). Toward Holistic Accessibility: Narratives from Functionally Diverse Patrons. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 57(1), 48–56.
Thurber, A. and Bandy, J. (2018). Creating accessible learning environments. Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University.
Udo, J. P., & Fels, D. I. (2010). The rogue poster-children of universal design: closed captioning and audio description. Journal of Engineering Design, 21(2/3), 207–221.
YouTube Help. (2019). Add your own subtitles & closed-captions.
Module 1: Setting the Tone of the Classroom
Module 3: Culturally Responsive Teaching >>
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