A simple search of -deaf culture documentary- at youtube.com helps the hearing understand the importance
of deaf culture.
Other recommended websites include:
ESOL Students and Faculty,
This library guide is designed in collaboration with ACC ESOL faculty. Content is divided in 4 levels that follow ESOL classes taught at the Austin Community College.
We have incorporated books from different publishers that mark reading levels on their books differently. This library guide will help you determine what books fall under the reading level class you are teaching/taking.
You can also browse our catalog and search only for ESOL books by selecting the ESOL option in the top left corner:
Here are some dictionaries you can access online from your computer, tablet, or phone. Included are dictionaries found on the internet and e-book dictionaries found in the library catalog. You will need to login with your ACC eID and password to access ACC e-books. There are many more online dictionaries, for many languages in the library catalog and on the internet.
Bilingual Dictionaries
In addition to ESOL level books, here are suggestions on searching for other ESOL materials:
Watching video in English can be a good way to practice. Many databases include video content, but a couple are specifically for video content.
Not sure where to look for articles? Here are lists of databases to use for different subjects!
There are at least four stages leading to language literacy. The University of South Florida's provides
more detail about second language acquisition ESOL Levels.
The Refugee Development Center (RDC) in Lansing, Michigan,offers English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes and after school tutoring programs for new refugees to the United States.
Below are select resources from RDC's recommended list for Online ESL and Tutoring. For full list click here.