Teaching to the Brain: How Students Learn -
How much do you know about learning?
In this course, faculty members will
- Examine innovative teaching strategies supported by research and evidence-
based practices within the psychology and neuroscience of learning.
- Explore tools for improving students learning, whether in a face-to-face or distance education
Topics include:
Faculty cohorts will reflect on and share ideas with colleagues for implementing the
strategies presented.
Anchored in the ACC Faculty Values, the Teaching and Learning Academy (TLA) will contribute to student success by expanding faculty teaching practices. The Academy is designed to support faculty based on evidence-based teaching strategies, reflective practice, and teaching innovation. Essential to the Teaching and Learning Academy is the creation of a group of faculty who will learn from each other. The Academy cohort begins with a retreat, to establish a community of learners that explores the scholarship, art and passion of teaching and continues over fall and spring semesters through hybrid coursework.
Module 1: How students learn: Understanding the Brain and Learning
Module Developer
Dr. Richard Griffiths: Adjunct Professor, Psychology
Module 2: Getting Students to Remember Course Material: Using Memory Techniques that Work
Module Developers
Ray Sandoval: Associate Professor, Student Development
Tobin Quereau: Adjunct Professor, Student Development
Module 3: Deepening Students Learning: The Role of Metacognition
Module Developer
Tobin Quereau: Adjunct Professor, Student Development
Module 4: Students’ Mindsets and Learning: Innovative Classroom Techniques That Foster A Growth Mindset
Module Developer
Cheryl Thompson-Price: Assistant Adjunct Professor, Student Development