How to access quality information about Public Speaking and Oral Communication, including books, periodical articles, and web sites. Links to websites with speeches and quotations are included.
Do you need a persuasive quotation for a speech or a paper? Bartlett's lets you search by author or subject. It also lets you search three other quotation collections. ACC Libraries also have Bartlett's Familiar Quotations in print format.
Evaluating Web Sites
How can you tell if a web site is trustworthy or not? It's not always easy, but there are things that you can look for that will help you decide.
Who is the author? Are they qualified to talk about this subject?
How accurate is the information? You may need to compare what you find with another source to answer this question.
Who is the audience? This can influence how much detail is included.
What point of view is being represented? All sites have a bias, but is it obvious?
How up to date is the site? Does it matter? In the Arts and Humanities it might not be crucial to have last minute information.
"ICA is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching, and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication... Since 2003, ICA has been officially associated with the United Nations as a non-governmental association.
Machine-readable pronunciation dictionary for North American English that contains over 125,000 words and their transcriptions. Maintained by Carnagie Mellon University.
This site offers a step-by-step process, online resources for research (dictionaries, etc.), links to Online Writing Lab (OWL) handouts, and many other resources for writers of speeches, essays and research papers.
An incredible collection of famous speeches in both audio and text formats. The site also includes links to practically all things speech related and to hundreds of news sites. From Michael E. Eidenmuller.