Please find information below about reference resources and their uses.
Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) is an e-resource that the library subscribes to. It can be found in the A-Z List of All Databases on the Library Home Page.
You can search the entire database or you can search topics or keywords within an individual book, its table of contents or the index. Here are some of the titles related to child care and development in GVRL:
Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
Child Abuse and Neglect Worldwide
Child Development
Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society
Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents, and the Media
Encyclopedia of Human Development
Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health
Sage Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development - An encyclopedia located in CREDO, a online collection of general and subject-specific reference works on all major topic areas.
Written by an international team of experts, its comprehensive coverage includes everything from prenatal development to adolescence, pediatrics, theories and research methods, physical development, social and emotional development, perceptual and cognitive development, language development, psychopathology, and parenting.
The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of childhood social development
International experts in childhood social development share the latest research and emerging trends in the field. After a historical overview of the study of the social development of children, material is grouped into the categories of disciplinary perspectives; ecological contexts; child and contextual factors; family context; peer group; play, cooperation, competition, aggression, and bullying; cognition, helping, and moral reasoning; and intervening in social development. Specific topics include children's interpersonal skills and school-based relationships, environmental psychology, sex differences in social behavior, sibling relationships in early and middle childhood, and children's understanding of society. This second edition adds new chapters on cultural influences, neuro-psychological perspectives, and children and the environment.
The following list contains recommendations for physical books that are housed in the library.